Posted: September 16th, 2017

Organisational Behaviour and HRM

Organisational Behaviour and HRM

Individual Assignment (contributes 70% to module mark)

Many organisations are arguing that they need an improvement in performance from employees to ensure that business objectives are met.
With reference to your organisation:
(1)    Identify and justify one critical issue relating to people that impacts on effective performance.  (for example; High staff turn over)
(2)    Using one of the following HRM practices from your organisation critically analyse the extent to which it influences employee performance.

•    Employee Resourcing
•    Human Resource Development
•    Performance Management
•    Employee Reward
Please only select one practice from the above to solve part (2)

(3)    Based on your analysis and conclusions, present recommendations as to how the relevant HRM practice could be developed to improve employee performance.  You will need to critically discuss how these recommendations could be measured to show improvement in employee performance.

Assessment criteria:
Understanding and justification of the relevant people issue             10%
A review of appropriate academic literature                    30%
Analysis and discussion                                35%
Conclusions and recommendations                        15%
Presentation & referencing                                10%
(You are required to provide a minimum of 10 appropriate academic references to support your work)

Date of submission:  To be advised
Word count 3000 words (+20%/-10%) excluding appendices and bibliography/references.  Exceeding or falling short of the admissible word count incurs a

one-grade penalty;

Assignments can be accepted only in MS Word Document format (2007 or later versions), not as PDF.  The assignment should be formatted single spaced, font size 12 (Times, Roman or Ariel) and set within standard page margins of 1 inch.

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