Posted: September 14th, 2017

Organisational Behaviour/ Business Management Custom Essay

Instructions :

– First of all, Write a brief introduction (what are you going to write in the following parts). No more than 275 words.

Secondly, Write, discuss and explain the different definitions of motivation

Thirdly, Select two of the following theories of motivation:

* Alderfer’s ERG Model
* McClelland’s Achievement Motivation theory
* Herzberg’s two-factory theory
* McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

1- Discuss each of the two models chosen as well as each model’s strengths and limitation. Include examples to support your arguments.

2- How might a manager use each of the two models chosen to motivate employees? Include examples to support your arguments.

– Finally, Write a logical conclusion. No more than 150- 200 words.

General instructions :

– The number of the words in this assignment is 2000 words.

– Please send me a massage if you need any clarification before you answer to avoid asking Revision.

– Please ensure to cite any information need to be referenced using Harvard system because my lecturer very strict in this point.

– The number of references must be 4. Please make sure to use 3 academic journals and 1 book.
The book has to be :
Mullins, L (2013), Management & organisational behavior, 10th ed.
(Use just a Chapter 7)

• Please note that you have to attaché the journals as PDF because I have to read all the reference that you’ll use in this assignment because I have to discuss with my supervisor, so please make a good use of them and put just the reference that you used.

– could you add things that you think it will be better to have in the assignment.

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