Posted: September 16th, 2017

Organisational Change Management

1. Key information, Introduction to the Module and Learning Outcomes 1
1.1 Key Information 1
1.2 Introduction to the Module 1
1.3 Learning Outcomes 1
2. Employability Skills in this Module 2
3. Outline Delivery and Reading Lists @ Anglia 2
3.1 Outline Delivery 2
3.2 Reading List and Learning Resources 3
4. Assessment on this Module 3
4.1 Assessment Information and Marking Criteria 4
4.1.1 Element 010 – Assignment/Presentation/In class test/Etc. 4
Marking Criteria for Element 010 – Assignment/Presentation/In class Test/Etc. 5
4.1.2 Element 011 – Assignment/Presentation/In class Test/Etc. 6
Marking Criteria for Element 011 – Assignment/Presentation/In class Test/Etc. 7
4.2 Re-assessment Information 8
4.2.1 Re-assessment for Element 010 – Assignment/Presentation/In class Test/Etc. 8
4.2.2 Re-assessment for Element 011 – Assignment/Presentation/In class Test/Etc. 8
1. Key information, Introduction to the Module and Learning Outcomes
1.1 Key Information
Module title: Organisational Change Management
Module Leader: Dr Lloyd Gray
Chelmsford Campus
Lord Ashcroft Building
Room: MAB301
Extension: 6836
Email: [email protected]
Module Tutors:
External Examiner and Institution:

Every module has a Module Definition Form (MDF) which is the officially validated record of the module. You can access the MDF for this module in three ways via:
? the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
? the My.Anglia Module Catalogue at
? Anglia Ruskin’s module search engine facility at
All modules delivered by Anglia Ruskin University at its main campuses in the UK and at Associate Colleges throughout the UK and overseas are governed by the Academic Regulations. You can view these at An extract of the Academic Regulations, known as the Assessment Regulations, is available at this website too (all new students will have received a printed copy as part of their welcome pack).
In the unlikely event of any discrepancy between the Academic Regulations and any other publication, including this module guide, the Academic Regulations, as the definitive document, take precedence over all other publications and will be applied in all cases.
1.2 Introduction to the Module
This module provides the opportunity for learners to engage with, and explore, some of the practical challenges arising from planned and unplanned change in contemporary work organisations. The module is designed for learners to understand why change happens, how change happens and what needs to be done to make change a more welcoming concept. The module focuses upon on individual, team and organisational change. The module explores how different types of change whether departmental, divisional or whole organisational change affect and impact upon the people on the receiving end – individual human beings. Therefore, the module emphasizes that without looking at the implications of change on individuals we can never really hope to manage change effectively. Accordingly, this module complements the Level 3 Sustainable Management Futures module
In addition, one of the themes of organisational life over recent years has been the ascendancy of the team. Much of today’s work is organised through teams and requires team collaboration and team working for it to succeed. A thread running through the module will be the crucial role of leadership. If management is all about delivering on current needs, then leadership is all about inventing the future. The module focuses upon the importance of effective leadership arising throughout.
Learners will be encouraged to make sense of the changes that they might undergo, initiate and implement in the workplace. Learners will also be encouraged to make sense of, and apply the ideas, concepts and theories from the academic literature on organisational change in analysis of organisational change.

The module aims for learners to become aware of the practical difficulties of managing and coping with organisational change; and also to consider how effective workplace change might be achieved by individuals, teams and organisations.
Assessment is by way of three separate patches (1,000 words) on three different and specific subject topics using set literature.
Each 1,000 patch will address a specific question relating to a specific topic.
Learning Outcomes
This module, like all modules at Anglia Ruskin, is taught on the basis of achieving intended learning outcomes. On successful completion of the module, the student will be expected to be able to demonstrate the following:
7. Learning Outcomes (threshold standards):
On successful completion of this module the student will be expected to be able to:
Knowledge and understanding 1 Understand the practices and leadership behaviours that are required to participate in, and effectively respond to, change and challenges in the workplace
2 Consider the practical difficulties and challenges arising from planned and unplanned change
Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills 3. Evidence heightened personal understanding of change in relation to workplace participation.

4. Demonstrate critical analysis through engagement with practical difficulties of managing organizational change
The assessment is based on meeting these learning outcomes, shown explicitly in section 4, where the assessment task is linked to these learning outcomes.
2. Employability Skills in this Module
It is important that we help you develop employability skills throughout your course which will assist you in securing employment and supporting you in your future career. During your course you will acquire a wide range of key skills. In this module, you will develop those identified below:
SKILL Skills acquired in this module
Communication (oral) x
Communication (written) x
Commercial Awareness x
Cultural sensitivity
Customer focus
Data Handling
Decision making x
Initiative x
Interpersonal Skills
Leadership/Management of others x
Organisational adaptability
Project Management
Problem Solving and analytical skills x
Responsibility x
Team working
Time Management x

3. Outline Delivery and Reading Lists @ Anglia
3.1 Outline Delivery
The table below indicates how the module will be delivered. However, this schedule is indicative and may be subject to change.
Week Lecture Seminar/Workshop Student-managed Learning
1 Organizations and their changing environments Change game experiential activity Senior and Swailes chap. 1, chap. 9
2 The nature of organizational change Patch 1 Senior and Swailes chap.2, chap. 9
3 Organizational structure, design and change Patch 1
• Senior and Swailes, chap. 3
4 Strategies for managing change Patch 1 Senior and Swailes, chap. 7 – 8
5 Cultural change Patch 2 Senior and Swailes, chap 4
6 Politics of change Patch 2 Senior and Swailes, chaps 5
7 Resistance to change Patch 2 Senior and Swailes, chap. 5- 6
8 Management of change Patch 3 Senior and Swailes chap.6
9 Leadership and change Patch 3 Senior and Swailes chap. 6
10 Change management and change leadership Patch 3 Senior and Swailes, chap.9
11 Assignment workshop Patches 1-3 See assessment information 4.1.1
12 Assignment workshop Patches 1-3 See assessment information 4.1.1

3.2 Reading List and Learning Resources
The reading list and learning resources for this module are available on Reading Lists at Anglia, you can access the reading list for this module on the module VLE site.
4. Assessment on this Module
The assessment for this module consists of one final submission dates for elements of assessment vary.
Element Type of assessment Word or time limit % of Total Mark Submission method Final Submission Date
010 Patch 1
How and why do middle managers support and resist strategic change?
Patch 2
Why do models of planned change not bring about cultural change?
Patch 3
How do leadership behaviours positively and negatively impact upon employee commitment to organisational change?

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