Posted: September 11th, 2015

Organization Theory lenses



Choose an organization  you have worked and have experiences with .

Identify two major management issues this organization is facing/experiences. (competition from contractors to repair roads and increasing customer satisfaction)

These issues should be analyzed and explained by adopting two different Organization Theory lenses Theory perspectives:

Transaction Cost Economics
Stakeholder Theory
Discuss the  following ;

how do these lenses apply to the selected organization and chosen issues?

How well do they apply?

What do they capture?

What do they miss?

Demonstrate   your understanding of different Organization Theory lenses and  your  ability to apply these lenses to specific organizations.

The essay must be structured in three parts:
Introduction: briefly describe the chosen organization and the identified management issues.( I will do this myself later) Introduce the theoretical lenses that will be used to analyze these issues and outline the main arguments developed in the essay.
Discussion: describe the two chosen organization theory lenses and explain their relevance for your chosen case/organization. Discuss how these lenses explain the identified management issues and the implications from the application of the theories. Outline the theories contributions (how well they explain the management issues) and shortcomings (what are the gaps, limitations, what is not explained). Here students must illustrate their deepening personal and critical awareness of the theoretical and practical limitations/possibilities in the literature they have addressed. 12 Marks will be focused on how well students demonstrate a critical awareness of the literature/organization lenses (for example students’ reading of tensions, contradictions, gaps, bias in what they have read). Merely describing the literature (“Smith says, Jones says” etc) will result in major loss of marks.
Conclusion: summarize your arguments and insights. Reflect on the applicability of the selected Organization Theory lenses to management practice/practitioners.

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