Posted: March 4th, 2015

Organizational behavior

Organizational behavior

Assessment – Workplace Report
Work place Report Topics:
•    Effective teams in the work-place
•    Decision making in the organisation
Within your analysis you should discuss how you would expect the organisation to be managed based on the relevant theory or textbook suggestions. You should then

analyse how it is actually managed, and note the differences from your theoretical expectations. In doing so, you should seek answers to questions such as:
•    How does the organisation conform to the theory on the two areas identified above?
•    Are there differences between theory and practice?
•    If your answer is ‘yes’ to the preceding questions, what are the reasons for these differences?
Write relevant specific recommendations for your organisation; for example, suggestions for change, and/or further development, for each of the above two concepts.

Your choice of the organisation for this assignment is very broad. It may, for example, be:
•    the organisation in which you work (the whole organisation)
•    a department, unit or section of the organisation in which you work (if the organisation is large)
•    a club or society with which you are associated (for example, sports club, social club, theatre group etc)
•    an organisation about which you can obtain enough information to analyse its management structure and process (you need not necessarily work in this

You should identify your connection with the chosen organisation, for example, employee, employer, etc.

Note: an organisation chart should be included in your presentation as an appendix.

Length: 2000 words. (The word count does not include the reference page or the appendices.)

•    A minimum of 8 academic references is required, to be eligible to pass. (This means academic journals and text-books and excludes general web-sites such as

consultancies’ promotional web-sites and sources like Wikipedia.)
Setting out Suggestion:
One way to present the information is to turn the page to ‘landscape’ and divide the page in half. On the left-hand side, set out, in point form, what the references

suggest would be appropriate, and on the right-hand side, indicate what your organisation is actually doing.

Explanation of grade sheet criteria

Expected (theory)
Comprehension of theory

Range of sources

Relevant to topic

Actual (practice)
Specific examples given if “actual” is same as “expected”

Differences (between theory and practice)
Clearly explained

Reasons given if possible; for example, cultural differences

Supported by the literature


Realistic in context of background of Organisation


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