Posted: September 13th, 2015

Organizational Description

Organizational Description

Assignment Length: 2–3 pages

The executive leadership of an organization has hired your firm to work with them; largely for your firm’s ability to support recommendations made with current research on systems and leadership management and theory. The client would like your firm to model and describe their organization based on recent developments in both systems and leadership management and theory.

The notion of tipping points is related to systems as that point in which a system changes from one state to another. While there is a mathematical description for a tipping point, it is out of scope for this class. Instead, consider a tipping point as simply a break from the current state of a system to a new state. For example, if a company were to be acquired by another company, it would experience a tipping point. If a company were to radically downscale, then it would experience another tipping point. Tipping points are a common feature of systems, such as ecological systems, climate systems, insect colonies, and human social systems.

For this Final Project component, select an organization with which you are familiar. The organization can be a corporation, a nonprofit, a community organization, a government agency/subagency, a military organization, or other entity involving people, resources, and goals, such as a city, county, state, or country. This week, you begin your Consultancy Report for the executive leadership of your selected organization. Review the Final Project Template for details about this week’s Final

Project component.

Please include the following in 2–3 pages:

Using the PowerPoint template, model the following for your organization (this model will be inserted as a figure into your Final Project Template or attached as a separate file, which is likely the best option as the number of slides increases):

Inputs (information, materials, and energy)

Top-level organizational process

Outputs (information, materials, and energy)

Two or more thresholds or tipping points beyond which the organization would become unrecognizable

Explain the organization in detail to interpret your model.

Explain how general systems theory and Boulding’s hierarchy of systems might inform the executive leaderships’ understanding of its organization’s and leadership/management’s thinking.

Include at least two citations/references to current literature to support your rationale to the executive leadership.

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