Posted: September 13th, 2017

Organizational Stressors: An Annotated Bibliography

Organizational Stressors: An Annotated Bibliography

Order Description

Organizational stress seems to be an inevitable consequence of doing business in today’s fast-paced global society. But what are the causes of organizational stress?

What is the impact of these stressors on an organization? How can these sources of stress be effectively mitigated and managed? Critically reviewing the body of research on these questions may yield valuable insight that will allow you to enable organizations of which you are a part to better manage stress.

To prepare:
•Select three peer-reviewed scholarly articles, with each article addressing a different source of organizational stress. In your evaluation of each article, consider the following: ?Reliability (evaluation of research methods used, theories used, and data on which it is based)
?Appropriateness for the intended audience
?Background and authority of the author
?Limitations of the research (which can depend on the scope, reliability, age of the document, and bias)
?Significance of the research

an annotated bibliography for the three resources. For each article, be sure to include the following:
•A full APA-style bibliographic reference including the author, title, publisher, and place of publication
•A summary of the document including the main points, its purpose, the theoretical perspective on which it is based, and the scope

How Grading will be conducted:
DDBA 8151: Organizational Leadership: Doctoral Theory and Practice
Module 3 Assignment 1: Organizational Stressors: An Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Identification of Resources

16 points maximum Exemplary
(14–16 points) Acceptable
(12–13 points) Minimal Acceptance
(0–11 points)
Identifies three peer-reviewed resources with clear relevance to the topic of sources of organizational stress.

There is a clear connection among the resources. The resources identified can serve as the basis for further scholarly inquiry.
Indentifies three peer-reviewed resources with some relevance to the topic of organizational stress and some relationship to one another.

With some revision, the resources could serve as a basis for further scholarly inquiry. Does not identify three peer-reviewed resources relevant to the topic of sources of organizational stress.

The resources have little or no connection to one another and could not serve as the basis for further scholarly inquiry.
Reflection and Analysis

16 points maximum Exemplary
(14–16 points) Acceptable
(12–13 points) Minimal Acceptance
(0–11 points)
Includes a concise summary and a concise yet complete evaluation of the quality and usefulness of each resource, addressing most of the elements found in the assignment instructions. Includes a summary and some evaluation of the quality and usefulness of each resource, addressing some of the elements found in the assignment instructions. The evaluation could be more complete or insightful.
Contains no summary and evaluation of the resources or includes a brief summary with no evaluation of the quality or usefulness of the resource.
Critical Thinking

6 points maximum Exemplary
(6 points) Acceptable
(5 points) Minimal Acceptance
(0-4 points)
Successfully follows the assignment instructions.

Demonstrates exceptional ability to engage in scholarly thinking and writing.

Summaries and evaluations of each resource are logically presented and show ample evidence of higher-order thinking.
Follows assignment instructions. Demonstrates some higher levels of thinking and writing.

Summaries and evaluations are mostly logically presented. Does not follow instructions specific to the assignment. Minimally demonstrates or does not demonstrate scholarly thinking and writing.

Summaries and evaluation of each resource are not logically presented.

6 points maximum Exemplary
(6 points) Acceptable
(5 points) Minimal Acceptance
(0–4 points)
The document is well organized.

The format is easy to follow, flows smoothly from one idea to another, and logically conveys the key ideas.

The style remains consistent.
The document is presented in a thoughtful manner.

There is an overall organization and most transitions are easy to follow, but at times ideas are unclear. The document is inconsistent and at times unorganized.

The format is difficult to follow, and transitions of ideas are abrupt and distracting.
Style and Grammar

16 points maximum Exemplary
(14-16 points) Acceptable
(12-13 points) Minimal Acceptance
(0–11 points)
Follows APA writing style, including a proper citation for each resource. Adheres to rules of formal English grammar and style.

Exhibits higher levels of critical thinking than memory/recall.

Communicates in a cohesive, logical style. Mostly follows APA writing style, including mostly correct citations for resources. Adheres to basic rules of formal English grammar and style.

Exhibits critical thinking and not just memory/recall.

Mostly communicates in a cohesive, logical style.
Does not follow APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and style.

Exhibits minimal critical thinking or is primarily memory/recall.

Does not communicate in a cohesive, logical style.

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