Posted: August 23rd, 2013

organization’s security team

Please consider the following scenario and answer the questions below to tell us how you would respond in such a situation.
As a member of your organization’s security team, you have certain ethical responsibilities relevant to your position.
You have responded as a backup to a call along the perimeter fence line of the property. You encounter a fellow security department member who is engaged in a loud dispute with a suspected juvenile trespasser. The security department member berates the juvenile and lightly hits his head as he tells him never to come onto the property again. The department member winks and suggests that you saw nothing. The department member tells you he must go to the surveillance room to check on the footage of the trespasser as he leaves.
Include the following:
• Effective witness notes concerning the incident
• The security member’s actions and what action should be taken by the security member that witnessed the incident
• The principles for developing an effective report and the guidelines for fact-based investigative and incident report writing.
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