Posted: September 14th, 2017

Original design of a Problem Oriented Policing (POP)

This should be original design of a Problem Oriented Policing (POP) program field test. Propose and justify in detail the statistical tests used for evaluation and the criteria used for determination of program efficacy.

Creating a test proposal requires planning and a specific format for putting your ideas together. Chapter 4 of your textbook outlines this process and gives a summary overview of what the proposal should look like. The following list provides the elements of a research proposal.

1. Problem or Objective
2. Literature Review
3. Research Questions
4. Subjects for Study
5. Measurement
6. Data Collection Methods
The above have been completed and are in the attached paper. This paper should include the following 4 steps:

7. Analysis
8. References
9. Schedule
10. Budget
This proposal should include all ten elements and the seventh to tenth points should be in detail. Attached is a literature review and research questions. This should be a complete proposal that includes a detailed description and justification for all of the statistical tests you will be using for your field test. Creating a design proposal requires planning and a specific format for putting your ideas together. Chapter 4 of Maxfield, M., & Babbie, E. (2015). Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology (7th). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning outlines this process and gives a summary overview of what the proposal should look like. This paper will be to design an actual Problem Oriented Policing field test. This means that a crime problem must be identified that is suitable to testing in the field. The problem must be specific, and a solution (the program that will be field tested) must be formulated to combat the problem. Then the police (and other agencies, if needed or desired – this is typical in POP programs) have to do something specific to lessen or eliminate the problem. Then the program needs to be evaluated. Along the way data is collected to measure the problem, to implement the program, and to evaluate it. The following is the definition of POP from the website of the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing: “Problem-oriented policing is an approach to policing in which discrete pieces of police business (each consisting of a cluster of similar incidents, whether crime or acts of disorder, that the police are expected to handle) are subject to microscopic examination (drawing on the especially honed skills of crime analysts and the accumulated experience of operating field personnel) in hopes that what is freshly learned about each problem will lead to discovering a new and more effective strategy for dealing with it. Problem-oriented policing places a high value on new responses that are preventive in nature, that are not dependent on the use of the criminal justice system, and that engage other public agencies, the community and the private sector when their involvement has the potential for significantly contributing to the reduction of the problem. Problem-oriented policing carries a commitment to implementing the new strategy, rigorously evaluating its effectiveness, and, subsequently, reporting the results in ways that will benefit other police agencies and that will ultimately contribute to building a body of knowledge that supports the further professionalization of the police. Herman Goldstein (2001).” Retrieved from This entire description above is important, but review the bolded material especially. To have a POP field test, there has to be a specific problem identified, and then a response to that problem that is planned, put into place, and evaluated. Obviously you won’t actually implement a field test, but you must plan one, and plan for its evaluation. The dependent and independent variables must be clearly defined, and a plan for measuring them also very clearly laid out. Look around the POP website and find examples of programs, or look at the citations I provided in an announcement about POP programs, to get an idea of what a POP program is. The paper here raises a number of complicated questions that are important, but that seem overwhelming and unmanageable. Make it easier on yourself. Choose an aspect of the problem that you can create specific program to deal with. Then describe how you would test it and evaluate it. The more focused, the clearer the problem and the solution will be; this will make it clearer how to collect and evaluate data, and to determine if your POP program worked…………………

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