Posted: November 22nd, 2014



Health Program Proposal & Presentation Guidelines

For your final project of the course, you will compile all the components of the program you’ve been developing throughout the semester. This will be written up in a formal “program proposal.” Each of the components below is required unless otherwise noted.

Sections of your Proposal:

Title page/cover: Any format is acceptable as long as it includes the title of your program, your name, institution (MTSU), and the date.

Executive Summary: Just as it implies, this is a summary of the health issue and your program. Be succinct. Suggested length: ½- 1 page.

Table of Contents

Introduction: A longer version of the summary. Talk about the problem (including the social assessment phase of your original needs assessment paper), your proposed program, and why you think it will improve the issue. This section pulls together the whole proposal, so verbally outline what we’ll read in the other sections. This is where you argue why your program is important. Suggested length: 1-1½ pages.

Planning Committee: This is where you list the members of the committee and their credentials. You may “invent” members who would likely help with your program, or include a brief resume if you’re going it alone. Explain why these are the individuals/organizations who are best to serve on your committee. Refer to D2L #6. Suggested length: ½ page.

Planning Models or Theories Used (optional): If a particular model/theory is guiding your program, consider adding a section about it. Briefly explain the constructs of the theory as they relate to your topic, and why this model/theory is appropriate. Again, this isn’t required, but it will strengthen your proposal if you use it. Refer to Week 4 PowerPoint. Suggested: length 1 page.

Needs Assessment: Insert the epidemiological phase, educational and ecological phase, and administrative/policy phase (if applicable) from your original needs assessment paper after making corrections and revisions suggested by your instructor.

Mission, Goals, and Objectives: What is the mission of your program? Explicitly list at least 2 goals (broader) and 5 objectives (specific) that your program will accomplish. The more detail the better. You may list more goals and objectives if your program will address them. Refer to Week 5 PowerPoint and D2L #5. Suggested length: 1 page.

Intervention: This section represents the content of your program. It is the communication message, the curriculum, the policy and environmental changes advocated, the community mobilization strategy, etc. Detail what will happen in your program. Refer to Week 5 PowerPoint and D2L #6. No suggested length. Optional: If you have scripts, lesson plans, or any supplemental material, you can put them in an appendix.

Resources/Budget: Explain the resources you will need to operate your intervention. Include the sections we talked about during our resources lecture. How will your intervention be funded? Then, create a budget worksheet showing these resources and their estimated costs. Also include the revenue source(s) that will cover your costs. Refer to Week 9 and 10 Powerpoints and D2L #7 and 8. Suggested length: 1-2 pages.

Marketing Plan: How will you advertise your program? How will you recruit participants? Will you work with the media? Refer to March 18 notes and D2L #8. Suggested length: 1 page. Optional: If you develop fliers, press releases, etc, you may include them in an appendix.

Implementation: Explain what you will do in each of the five phases of implementation. If you create a task development timeline, include it as an appendix. List any special considerations or logistics information, if needed, for your program. What training will your staff need? What liability should you consider? Refer to Week 9 PowerPoint. Suggested length: 1-2 pages.

Evaluation Plan: What type(s) of evaluation will you do to determine the success of your program? Why have you chosen this method(s)? Refer to Week 11 PowerPoint and D2L #9. Suggested length: 1 page. Optional: If you develop evaluation forms/guidelines, put them in an appendix.

References: List the references you used in your needs assessment, as well as any others that were used throughout your proposal. Don’t forget to cite them internally! If a reference appears in your list, it should appear in the text of your paper. If it appears in the text of your paper, it should appear in your reference list.

Appendices (all optional): Could include a diagram of the model or theory base you are using, intervention materials, marketing examples, implementation checklists, and/or evaluation forms. Label them as Appendix A, Appendix B, etc., and refer to them in the text of your paper. (Ex., An example of the program’s public service announcements in included in Appendix A.) The amount of extra credit awarded for each appendix will depend on the quality of the submission. In general, each included item would be eligible for up to one point of extra credit.

The entire proposal should be typed and double-spaced, with 1” margins and 12-point font. You should put page numbers throughout. Page lengths for each section are just suggested, meaning you should make them as long or short as you feel is appropriate. The optional pieces (model/theory, and any appendix items) will be considered for extra credit, but are NOT required.

Presentation Details

During our last few class meetings, you will be asked to present your proposal. Here’s the scenario: The Greater Health Foundation has some grant money and is looking for a few good programs to fund. You are asked to make a 5-7 minute presentation (do not exceed 7 minutes) to the grant committee (your classmates!). The presentation should cover the material from sections 4, 5, 8-13 of your program proposal. You may use any technology you wish and/or bring handouts or posters, as long as you have some type of visual aid. You are encouraged to think about how to best present your plan.

Your instructor will evaluate you on the content of your presentation and on the overall quality of your presentation, including your public speaking skills and your audio and/or visual aids.


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