Posted: September 13th, 2017


You may pick ANY TWO Caldecott Award or Honor books. Many libraries have Caldecott books shelved separately or you can find a list linked from the ALA website. Set A – Concept Books Set B – Picture Storybooks Alphabet City Tuesday Seven Blind Mice Where the Wild Things Are Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Snowy Day Millions of Cats Knuffle Bunny The Very Hungry Caterpillar Set C – Picture Storybooks Set D – Traditional Literature/Picture book Biography Lion and the Mouse Gorilla Rapunzel Jumanji Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears Flotsam Stinky Cheese Man Make Way for Ducklings Martin’s Big Words

Look over the books and pick two that you are especially attracted to. You are to write an analysis of these picture books. In order to do a good job on this assignment, I would expect you to write at least 4 pages, double spaced. For each book: Start with a BRIEF summary of the plot. One or two sentences describing what this book is about (do not retell the whole story.) Why were you attracted to this book? What did the author/illustrator do to bring you in? I don’t want to read “it was interesting” or “it was pretty.” WHAT was interesting or pretty? Think about it. Dig deep.

What artistic style does the illustrator use? Why is this style appropriate for the story? Discuss the use of artistic elements within the story. Why were these elements chosen? What artisitc media are used? How does this affect the telling of the story? Comment on the use of borders, white space, type face, borders and the other various artistic elements. How do the text and illustrations complement and extend one another? You will need to go back to your notes from Lecture 10 to do this assignment. I expect a thoughtful, educated, thorough analysis of the picture book. You cannot read the book once, whip out something to turn in at the last minutes and then expect a good grade.

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