Posted: September 14th, 2017

outline a health-related problem/issue (clinical/ administrative/educational) of concern to you which needs addressing in your work situation in relation to quality and safety of care

1) Practice Problem/Issue & Practice Improvement Question
This is an individual assessment and students should not collude with each other.

Please answer the following topic:
Reflect upon, choose and outline a health-related problem/issue (clinical/ administrative/educational) (approximately 170 words) of concern to you which needs addressing in your work situation in relation to quality and safety of care. Then formulate a related practice improvement question that you could address by research or clinical audit to resolve or ameliorate the problem/issue (approximately 80 words).
You should use a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 literature items to support your ideas in relation to the problem/issue.
Due Date: 6 p.m., Tuesday 22 March 2015
Weighting: 20%
Length: 250 words (+/- 10%)
Purpose: To provide early feedback to students regarding their ability to reflect on their practice, think critically, make decisions regarding practice problems/issues related to quality and safety of care, and finally, their ability to formulate a related health inquiry question.
Learning Outcomes
Assessed: 4, 6…..

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