Posted: November 30th, 2016

Outline how the teaching assistant might establish nd agree the ICT equipment requirements with the teacher priorto teaching session.

Outline how the teaching assistant might establish nd agree the ICT equipment requirements with the teacher priorto teaching session.
2 Describe how you might check the availability and working condition of the ICT equipment and inform the teacher.
3 Describe a procedure that might be used to correctly follow the instructions relating to the setting up of the ICT equipment.
4 How could you ensureaccessories, consumables,software and instructiona are available and accessible?
5 Outline some important safety instructions that might be used relating to ICT equipment and its use.
6 Describe how you might provide support and quidance in the safe and correct operaation of ICT eqipment.
7 Identify legislation covering the use of ICT equipment.
8 How could you encourage independence in the development of ICT skills?
9 What might the role of the teaching assistant be carrying out regular checks of ICT equipment to maintain good working order?
10 How might you use all consumables,software and accessories correctly and encourge others to do so?
11 Describe how schools might store all ICT equipment and peripherals safely and securely after use.

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