Posted: September 16th, 2017

outlining a plan to work with one client.

outlining a plan to work with one client.

In addition to running her group workshops for incarcerated women, Maritza also counsels most of the women individually. Maritza is planning to work with one client intensively, working on building parenting and self-efficacy skills in two one-on-one sessions each week for 6 months. Maritza would like to employ a single system research design to evaluate the effectiveness of this potential intervention.

1.Identify the most feasible research design for this intervention.

2.Explain your reasoning for choosing the design.

3.Discuss at least two practical or ethical constraints in your evaluation.

4.Discuss at least two threats to validity and how you could address these in your evaluation design.

5.Perform a web search to find a measurement tool that you believe would yield the best data for this type of research.

6.Explain why you think this tool will be helpful.

Assignment Guidelines

Explain your reasoning for choosing the design.

•A title page

•The body of the essay (1000–1200 words; the word count does not include the title or reference page)

•Use standard margins: 1″ on all sides

•Use standard 12-point font size, Times New Roman or Arial

•Use standard double-spacing

•Use left-aligned text, do not right-justify

Be sure to look at the grading rubric in the Syllabus to ensure that you have covered all of the expectations for the Assignment!

Your writing should be in Standard American English and be clear and specific with few errors. If needed, be sure to use the Kaplan University Writing Center for help.
Grading Criteria Unit 7
% – Points

Course Content

Addresses each of the following areas in paragraph format:

1. Identify the most feasible research design for this intervention.

2. Explain your reasoning for choosing that design.

3. Discuss at least two practical or ethical constraints in your evaluation.

4. Discuss at least two threats to validity and how you could address these in your evaluation design.

5. Perform a web search to find a measurement tool that you believe would yield the best data for this type of research.

6. Explain why you think this tool will be helpful.

Uses appropriate references to course material.


Structure: Includes complete paragraphs, proper sentence structure, clear and logical organization throughout. Primarily student’s own words with quotes used very sparingly. Includes at least two references in support of observations.

Mechanics: Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Free of typographical errors, double-spaced, 1000-1200 words in length (not including the cover page or reference page).


An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the Assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade

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