Posted: September 13th, 2017

OXFAM, BBC and Jaguar and Land Rover

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


Choose one organization from the public sector of the economy, one from the voluntary sector, and one from either GlaxoSmithKline or Jaguar Land Rover, which represent the private sector.

Write a report about the chosen organizations, which will cover the following points:

Section A:

1. Brief history of the three organizations
2. Aims and objectives of each one of them
3. How these organizations are funded
4. Policies on social responsibility


Section B:

5. An analytic explanation of why you think one organization has been more successful than the others in achieving its objectives
6. A conclusion outlining what you have learnt from doing this report. Give reasons.

@important things:
#i have already coshed the organisations for the sectors:
-Public sector: BBC
-voluntary sector: OXFAM
-private sector: Jaguar land Rover
you have to mention which type of companies they are and explain it. ‘like: PVT.LTD company’
you have to mention the CSR for each organisation.
evidence should contain data and descriptive clues.
the structure:
-introduction: the aim of the report, brief summery.
-Jaguar Land Rover
-An analytic explanation of why one organization has been more successful than the others in achieving its objectives
-Conclusion: Things that i learned from the report and why?

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