Posted: September 13th, 2017

PA 670: Emergency Management

PA 670: Emergency Management

BP Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill Case Analysis

The BP Deep water case analysis  class. Composing your essay is an individual assignment.
You need to read all of the assigned reading for the  class and compose your essayin responses to the questions below.  Your responses must be in your own words with in-text references as appropriate and a reference list at the end of the essay. References must be APA style.  No late essays will be accepted.
Please ensure you name is on your paper and the questions are to be responded to in the order given.  Essays are to be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins (left, right, top, bottom), and 12-point type.  Use standard indented paragraphs and do not insert extra lines between paragraphs. Essays are to be not shorter than three full pagers and no longer than four full pages for full credit consideration.
Reading to support essay development: Rubin, Chapter 8, and professional related journal articles, including any other course materials.
1.    Explain in detail three complications the Federal Government encountered in responding to the BP deep water disaster.
2.    Compare and contrastthe emergency management response in the BP deep water Horizon Oil spill to previous natural disaster responses.

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