Posted: April 8th, 2013


Humanities 2319
Essay 3 – Panther

Essay 3 – Panther film response essay should be uploaded as a Word document in the Assignment tool.
Please save the document as your last namefirst initial_Pnt. (For me it would be: MooreB_Pnt)
(Be sure to save your essay as a Word .doc or .docx file. I will not open Word Perfect .wpd or Word Pad or Text .txt files.)

The purpose of this assignment is to help you critically think through and clearly communicate your ideas.

Topic Prompts
1. Could the Panther party be revised and effective in 2012? What are some possible obstacles or strategies of resistance that the group would face? Support your answer.
2. What ten tenets, or rules, would you suggest to establish a revolutionary Nationalist party?
3. Can a black community in 2013 be self-sufficient?


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