Posted: September 17th, 2017


Preliminary Interview




Develop an interview protocol based on the model presented in the chapter on your mastery topic. Within your chosen leadership level contract with two people to interview. Explain who you are, what you are doing, what leadership mastery you are looking at and how you will use the interview material. Clarify with these people whether you have permission to use their names and organizations. Conduct the interviews, and take copious notes or tape record.




Interview Narrative




Write up a thorough description of what happened in your interview experience. Write the story from beginning to middle to end. The story should integrate the following elements:


1.Whom did you interview and what was your contract?


2.What were your questions? (Use the worksheet from the chapter on your mastery topic in the Cashman text as a guideline.)


3.A summary of your findings from each question including best stories and quotes in each interviewee’s words and some themes that seem to pervade both interviews.




Analysis of InterviewsPreliminary Interview




Develop an interview protocol based on the model presented in the chapter on your mastery topic. Within your chosen leadership level contract with two people to interview. Explain who you are, what you are doing, what leadership mastery you are looking at and how you will use the interview material. Clarify with these people whether you have permission to use their names and organizations. Conduct the interviews, and take copious notes or tape record.




Interview Narrative


Write up a thorough description of what happened in your interview experience. Write the story from beginning to middle to end. The story should integrate the following elements:


  1. Whom did you interview and what was your contract?


  1. What were your questions? (Use the worksheet from the chapter on your mastery topic in the Cashman text as a guideline.)


  1. A summary of your findings from each question including best stories and quotes in each interviewee’s words and some themes that seem to pervade both interviews.




Analysis of Interviews




After you write the interviews in narrative format, you will analyze the experience in the context of leadership theory and the common learning themes of the program: New Business Realities and The Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination.




Topics to be addressed in your analysis include the following:


1 .Leadership theory: Summarize the leadership theory that you used to develop your questions. Analyze how the questions and the data support your chosen leadership theories. You might use Servant Leadership, Kevin Cashman, Margaret Wheatley, or articles from the Center for Creative Leadership, Leadership stage theory, from Novatons, and other sources. Demonstrate your understanding of your chosen Mastery (Personal, Purpose, Change, Interpersonal/Being, Balance or Action). Use examples from your interviews to demonstrate your mastery topic.


  1. What did you learn as an interviewer? Write a section on your learning as an interviewer. What seemed to work? What did not work? And what would you do differently next time? How would you change your contract or your explanation of your leadership topic, the medium you chose, or your behavior during the interview, to enhance the quality of your data?


  1. Common Learning Themes: Reread the New Business Realities and The Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination. Select one topic from each and discuss its relevance to your experience interviewing leaders.






New Business Reality: Did the interview reflect the dynamics of transformational change in complex systems in the change mastery questions?


Thinking Habits: Did the interview encourage professional self-development through conversational reflection in the questions on Personal Mastery?


4 .Summary Statement. Think about your experience interviewing leaders at this level. Describe the primary lessons you gained from this experience, the value of interviewing leaders and the impact this approach has to leadership development. Include your recommendations to your organization about the development of leaders at this level and on this mastery topic and the use of interviews to propel personal development.




Relationship to Team Project: You have been asked by the local Organization Development Network to make a joint presentation with several other learners from other universities. The network hopes to pool individual experiences with interviews at this leadership level on this topic of mastery at its next conference. You will work with other learners to make joint recommendations for developing leaders. Your personal report will serve as a foundation for the work of the joint project.


To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:


1.Gather interview data on effective leaders.


2.Analyze their leadership story.


3.Create your own theory of effective leadership.


4.Learn how to contract for data gathering.


5.Create an insightful interview protocol.


6.Describe how effective leadership in organizations relates and embodies the Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination. Examine how leadership theory and practices help you as a business professional deal with The New Business Realities.


Paper should be 7 to 9 pages written double-spaced and in a standard font—either Times New Roman or Arial. The font size must be 12 point. The paper margins should be 1″ on each side. A title page, table of contents, and reference page are also expected and do not count toward the paper length. APA format is required.


  • Writing should be well organized and clear. Writing structure, spelling, and grammar should be correct as well.








1 -What do you value about your form of leadership?




–          Motivational




–          Personal




–          Genuine




–          Successul








2- What do you value of your team?




–          Effort




–          Ability to learn




–          Ability to act on feedback quickly




–          Ability to be a great boss








3- What do you like about your impact or influence on others?




–          Able to help them further their careers and do more both personally and professionally




–          Able to drive large-scope results








4- When you are energized and inspired, what particular personality traits or strengths are being expressed by you?




–          Energy




–          Happiness




–          Smiling




–          Move quickly








5-What are you most afraid of?




–          Letting my team down




–          Not meeting a goal or goals








6-What fears did you have to face to lead from character?




–          That I wasn’t always going to have the answer




–          That it was OK to ask for help








7- How have you continued to lead with character through any situations that have come up? How do you plan to continue to lead through character?




–          I do what’s right for the person first and then couple it with what’s right for the business




–          I have let go and let talent move on both inside and outside of the company if it was right for the person








8- How can you challenge yourself to move from coping with an issue to leading with character?




–          Slowing down and considering all options




–          Partnering with others close to the situation to ensure I’m seeing all sides








9-When you are leading by character, what qualities come forth? Do certain situations inhibit or express your character more?




–          Genuine




–          Caring




–          Empathy








–          Personal conversations express, business conversations inhibit








10- What do others tell you that you need to work on or develop? What new behavior are you committed to practicing?




–          Slow down and notice the details as opposed to letting my energy take me too fast








11- Can you reflect a bit for me how you focus on:




  • Opportunity VS Problems




–          Opportunities come from learning from problems








  • Long term VS Short term




–          Short term decisions made quickly can hurt the long term goal








  • Purpose VS Circumstances




–          Purpose requires a plan, circumstances allows for quick thinking and collaboration




  • Adaptability VS Control




–          Adaptability is necessary during conversations and conflict, control comes from great planning and collaboration








  • Service VS Self




–          Serving other people can enhance one’s self








  • Listening VS Expertise




–          Expertise comes from vulnerability and listening








12-How agile and adaptable are you when it comes to learning from first-time situations?




–          Very adaptable








13 How do you define a leader?




–          Great results




–          Leads through others and doesn’t do it alone




–          Does what’s right for others and develops at all times




–          Is always looking to make all those around them better




–          Teacher, not a teller








14 What it take to be a good leader?




–          Listener




–          Open minded




–          Vulnerable




–          Assertive








15 What are the most characters in leadership?








16 Have you ever been a member of a successful team? If so, describe the role you played on the team and in its success.




–          Yes. I have been a player and I have been the leader. I have also been both at the same time. Each of the three takes a different skill set.








17 Give me an example of a time when you played a leadership role in an event, an activity, a department or work unit, or a project. Describe how you led the efforts. Tell me how people responded to your leadership.




–          I planned




–          I collaborated




–          I asked questions




–          I gained buy-in




–          I earned respect




–          I followed up on progress




–          I motivated




–          I solved problems along the way








18 If I were to ask your reporting staff or your peers to comment about your leadership style, your leadership strengths, and your leadership weaknesses, how would they respond?  What would this discussion tell me about you as a leader?




–          Strengths: Energetic, get buy-in quickly, competitive




–          Weaknesses: Going too fast




–          It would tell you that I am motivated, move quickly, and that you’d have to follow up to make sure I didn’t miss anything








19 Tell me about a time when you created agreement and shared purpose from a situation in which all parties originally differed in opinion, approach, and objectives.




–          New company initiatives




–          Presented new initiative to group




–          Listened to thoughts




–          Asked for pros and cons of both sides




–          Gained perspective from all parties




–          Landed on decision and ensured those that disagreed/disapproved understood why the decision was landed on








20 As a leader within an organization, you must often build support for goals and projects from people who do not report to you and over whom you have no authority. Tell me about a situation in which you demonstrated that you can build the needed support.




–          Same tactics as #19








  1. What are the three most important values you demonstrate as a leader? Tell me a story that demonstrates each of these leadership values in practice within your workplace.




– Energy




– Genuine




– Competitive drive






Jonathan M. Byars




Store Team Leader


Willowbrook – T1882Student




Course description






1 -What do you value about your form of leadership?


I believe that I have charismatic form of leadership. I can speak to my audience effectively and convey my message without fumbling. I have superior ability in critical thinking and always think of new constructive ideas.


2- What do you value of your team?


My team is good in collaboration and working together to achieve success. My team members always come with new ideas that are then discussed in the team meetings.


3- What do you like about your impact or influence on others?


My influence on other people has seen most of the individuals I have shared ideas with, succeed in their lives. For instance I have shared business ideas with two of my friends whom later successfully established small medium enterprises using my ideas.


4- When you are energized and inspired, what particular personality traits or strengths are being expressed by you?


When I am energized and inspired I feel that hard work and optimism will make me achieve all that I need in my life. I feel that all things are possible to achieve irrespective of the situation.


5-What are you most afraid of?


I am afraid of:


  • Failure. I feel that failure is brought about by doing things incorrectly.


  • Wasting time, Disunity within the team


  • Not consulting others while making critical decision


  • Prejudging others



  • Disagreement within the team members


  • Financial crisis


6-What fears did you have to face to lead from character?


The fears I have to face are: Disagreement for diversity in decision making, failing and learning from my failures


7- How have you continued to lead with character through any situations that have come up? How do you plan to continue to lead through character?


-By consulting whenever there is a problem


-By embracing proper communication and enhancing understanding within the team


-Learning from my previous mistakes


-Enhancing discipline within the team


-Expanding team capability


-Building and inspiring teamwork


8- How can you challenge yourself to move from coping with an issue to leading with character?


-By learning from your mistakes and doing it differently to avoid repeating the mistake


-By seeking advice from experts and fellow colleague


-By forgetting your failures and focus on your new goals


-By being a good manager of time and other resources


9-When you are leading by character, what qualities come forth? Do certain situations inhibit or express your character more?


-Exceptional organization skills


-Confidence in my ability to articulate issues properly.


-Treating team members with respect


-Proper negotiation skills


The other certain situations may express once character more only best on the improvement of the basic core listed above.


10- What do others tell you that you need to work on or develop? What new behaviors are you committed to practicing?


-Being tolerance


-Exceptional problem solving


On the other hand still committed to practicing these new behaviors:


-Developing and supporting others


-Inspiring and motivating others


-Strategic perspective as a solution of direction in doing work


-Courage based on employee satisfaction


11- Can you reflect a bit for me how you focus on:


  • Opportunity VS Problems


Believe that opportunity should not be left to pass while problem should be solved immediately and appropriately. Therefore, I use opportunity to solve problems. For instance I can use the opportunity of emerging market base in a given geographical area to expand products market coverage to solve the problem of low sales.


  • Long term VS Short term


Long-term goals are goals I plan to achieve after a long period of time while short term goals are those I plan to achieve within a short duration. To achieve my goals in both long and short terms, I prioritize goals based on criteria like resources needed, time expected to achieve them and benefits they will generate. Goals that will generate highest benefits will take long to implement hence I make them long term goals while project with average benefits are easy to implement with little resources hence I make them short term


  • Purpose VS Circumstances


The purpose is what I plan to do to achieve a certain goal. While the circumstances is when a purpose of should be implemented based on the situation. Circumstances are prevailing situation that facilitate achievement of a purpose or impedes it.


  • Adaptability VS Control


Adaptability is how a leader conforms to a given situation. While control is what necessary measures are put in place to ensure that conforming to a situation is achieved. Control helps achieve adaptability. One can only adapt to a situation when control is put in place like control on deviation from the norms.


  • Service VS Self


Service is working for the interest of the group or a team while self is working to benefit one’s self and his/her family. The interest of the group supersedes the interest of one self. Service benefits both the group and oneself.  Hence service is more important than self.


  • Listening VS Expertise


Listening is paying keen attention to what someone is talking about and making appropriate decision. Expertise is the use of experience and skills to perform a task. Expertise and listening are mainly interdependent. People with good listening skills on a given situation should have expertise in understanding the situation while an expertise should possess good listening skills to perform his/her duties effectively.


12-How agile and adaptable are you when it comes to learning from first-time situations?


I am always a good learner and use my learning technique to learn fast. First, I study the situation and make a conclusion about the situation based on the subject matter. I pay much attention about a situation and never make prejudgment until I understand it fully.


13 How do you define a leader?


A leader is someone who creates inspiring future vision and then inspires and motivates people under his/her leadership to work towards realizing that vision.


14 What it take to be a good leader?


A good leader observes ethics and acts within the law. A good leader thinks of new ideas and implements them while treating all individuals under his/her leadership with high level of courtesy.


15 What are the most characters in leadership?


A leader must have good understanding and listening skills. I good leader must also be charismatic, exude confidence, be good orator, well-educated and flexible to change.


16 Have you ever been a member of a successful team? If so, describe the role you played on the team and in its success.


I have been a member of a successful team in Rapture Retail Shop in Texas dealing with identifying challenges customers face while shopping. I played the role of data clerk collecting information about customers’ satisfaction. I socially interacted with customer and they explained a lot about their frustration including slow cashiers and some unclear price tags on products. The recommendations I made from data analysis and interpretation made the management organized further training for all the staffs.


17 Give me an example of a time when you played a leadership role in an event, an activity, a department or work unit, or a project. Describe how you led the efforts. Tell me how people responded to your leadership.


I had worked as a team leader of product promotion team in Rapture Retail Shop in Texas.  I led the team in addressing emerging issues and new ideas. My role was very interesting because all people with new ideas had to table them and be discussed by all members of the team. Specifically most ideas where about how to improve sales in the retail shop I was working for. The team then prioritized the ideas and they were implemented as prioritized. New ideas arising from the ongoing marketing projects were also being implemented especially about promotion coupons. My leadership role showed implementation of promotion which showed high sales of products which ran out of stock on the first week due to impulse buying. My team members were happy with great achievement of the team and my leadership style. The management congratulated us with monetary rewards, I as the leader received further training on top of monetary rewards.




18 If I were to ask your reporting staff or your peers to comment about your leadership style, your leadership strengths, and your leadership weaknesses, how would they respond?  What would this discussion tell me about you as a leader?


My leadership strengths are hard work, courtesy to my colleagues, good listening skills, like building mutual connections with my colleagues, encouraging people to give their views about a topic being discussed and like building optimism culture. My weakness is the dislike of failure, need for total efficiency which is hardly achieved and finding it difficult to adapt to people with no similar strengths as mine.  The peer will tell you that I am a person who wants all things to be successful and demoralized with failures. I therefore strive to ensure success in everything.


19 Tell me about a time when you created agreement and shared purpose from a situation in which all parties originally differed in opinion, approach, and objectives.


I created an agreement when my team members were divided on the best market promotion technique to be used. Some members wanted to use only social media adverts, other wanted radio adverts while some preferred fieldwork. We had to choose the best two options among the three techniques. People were divided in the team but I managed to convince them to choose one form of radio advert as it will reach many people and social media since it will reach many youths.


20 As a leader within an organization, you must often build support for goals and projects from people who do not report to you and over whom you have no authority. Tell me about a situation in which you demonstrated that you can build the needed support


To build and support goals and projects of our organization I have to develop strategies, upon which all team members will adhere to. I have to build goals which are attractive and persuading making the entire organization to get interested in following them.


Case scenario


Our organization once experience an internet problem from its staff more so senior staff, the problem of operating internet activities the solution to it was this simple. We set our organization goal. Support staff learned basic e-mail and internet skills’’. I develop the strategies and finally it worked put.




  1. What are the three most important values you demonstrate as a leader? Tell me a story that demonstrates each of these leadership values in practice within your workplace.


-Taking critical decisions based on the reasoning and integrity not rank: as a team leader in my workplace it’s always my principle to engage all stakeholders in any key decision making.


-Listening to one another carefully and giving them time without interruption: this is one of my important leadership values that have propelled the development of my team, when we were discussing what to be done on the issue of basic internet operation as I mention before this value really took a center stage.


-Embracing the responsibility culture as opposed to a blame game: as a leader I correct the mistake in my best way of leadership trying best to avoid blaming anyone, it has been a challenge in my workplace but as a leader pointing finger never solve critical issues.




Cindy Nora ETL Logistics

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