Posted: September 13th, 2017

Parental consent Form for Participation in Research Study Entitled “Developing High School Mathematics Skills: Comparing

Experience of Regular and Special Education Students with Teachers’ Experience from an Inclusive and General Classroom”

What is this research about?

What will my child are doing?

What dangers are there for my child?

What good things might come about for my child?

Do I have to pay for anything?

Will I or my child get paid?

How will my information be kept private and confidentiality?

What if I don’t want my child to be in the study or my child doesn’t want to be in the study?

Other Considerations:
If the researchers learn information that might change your mind about allowing your child to be involved, you will be told of this information.

Voluntary Consent by Participant:
By signing below, you indicate that
•    this study has been explained to you
•    you have read this document or it has been read to you
•    your questions about this research study have been answered
•    you have been told that you may ask the researchers any study related questions in the future or contact them in the event of a research-related injury
•    you have been told that you may ask Institutional Review Board (IRB) personnel questions about your study rights
•    you are entitled to a copy of this form after you have read and signed it
•    you voluntarily agree for (you and) your child to participate in the study entitled “Shoe A vs. Shoe B for Soccer Players Study

Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian Signature: _____________________________ Date:____________

Parent’s/Guardian Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________

Signature of Person Obtaining Consent: _____________________________

Date: _________________________________


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