Posted: November 27th, 2014

Patient Medication Profile

Patient Medication Profile

Instruction and grading criteria for assignment below:

Grading Criteria     Maximum Points
Critically analyzed the patient’s condition and accurately described this patient’s diagnosis.    5
Accurately described the pathology of the patient.    15
Accurately created a plan of supplementation and follow up including dosages.    15
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using the APA format.    5
Total:    40

I have diagnosed this patient with Iron Deficiency Anemia unspecified (280.9). Writer will follow instructions and grading criteria that will be uploaded. Writer will need to explain the disease processes. Create a plan to correct the issue. I will upload medications, dosages, and treatment for iron deficiency anemia, make sure to include rationale for the use of medications, labs and any treatments that are new. All new medications, labs and treatments will have the title of new. Writer include all information in assignment with headings for each section. Submit maximum of 4 pages, in 6th edition format only, with references on a separate page. Completed and QAD check for assignment will be due Saturday November 29th @ 15:00  pm central standard time no exceptions!! Reference for ICD9 codes lookup.aspx?KeyWord=iron%20deficiency%20anemia&bc=AAAAAAAAAAAEAA%3d%3d&
Analyze the following case:
D. M. is a sixty-nine-year-old black male patient who was admitted with the chief complaint of “dizziness and difficulty walking up stairs.”
History of present illness: Patient states that he has been feeling “weak and dizzy” for the last two weeks and has fallen four times during that period. He states that he did not lose consciousness but became lightheaded and lost strength before he had fallen down.
Past medical history:
Diabetes mellitus type 2, noninsulin requiring X nine years
Hypertension X twenty-two years
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in 1999
Pneumonia in 2000
Osteoarthritis of lumbosacral spine and hip
Past surgical history: None
Social and family history: Four to five beers per day, no other alcohol reported; no nicotine; retired salesman; wife deceased; four children alive and well in other states
Allergies: No known drug allergies
Current Medications:
Glyburide 10 mg po qAM, 5 mg PM
Metformin 1000 mg po qAM and pm
Pravachol 40 mg po qhs
Hctz 25 mg po qAM
Atenolol 100 mg po qAM
Naproxen 500 mg po bid
ASA E.C.325 mg po qAM
New Medications
Ferrous sulfate 325 mg by mouth three times a day with food #90
Physical Examination:
Pertinent positive findings only.
Elderly male in no apparent distress.
Temperature: 98.6 oF; Resp: 14; Pulse: 92; BP sitting: 164/96 78 mmHg; BP standing: 152/88 mmHg; Wt: 172#
Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (HEENT): Pale conjunctivae and gums
Resp: None
Cardiovascular: II/VI systolic ejection murmur
GI: Stool guaic—for occult blood
GU: Prostate enlarged to palpation
Neuro: Slow verbal response to questions
Extremities/Peripheral Vascular: 1+ pedal edema, capillary refill > 3 sec
ECG: RRR, tachycardic

Tests     Observed Values     Normal Values
Sodium (Na)     139 mEq/L     136–142 mEq/L
Potassium (K)     3.8 mmol/L     3.5–5.5 mmol/L
Chloride (Cl)     105 mmol/L     101–111 mmol/L
Bicarbonate (CO2)     26 mmol/L     21–31 mmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)      17 mg/dL     5–24 mg/dL
Glucose (Glu)     189 mg/dL     70–110 mg/dL
Creatinine     1 mg/dL     0.6–1.2 mg/dL
Magnesium (Mg)     1.4 mg/dL     1.4–1.8 mg/dL
Calcium (Ca)     9.6 mg/dL     8.6–10.4 mg/dL
Protein Total (Pro. T)     6.2 g/dL     6–9 g/dL
Albumin (Alb)     4.9 g/dL     3.5–5.5 g/dL
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)     26 U/L     0–60 U/L
AST     22 U/L     0–60 U/L
Bilirubin direct (Billi D)     1.3 mg/dL     0–0.3 mg/dL
Bilirubin total (Bili T)     0.2 mg/dL     0.1–1.5 mg/dL
Coagulant response time (INR)     1.1     1
Total cholesterol     267 mg/dL     < 200 mg/dL
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)     12.3 mIU/L     2–5 mIU/L
White blood cells (WBC)     4.7 K/µL     4–10 K/µL
Hemoglobin (Hb)     7.2 g/dL     Males: 14–17 g/dL
Females: 12–15 g/dL
Hematocrit (Hct)     24 percent     Males: 40–54 percent
Females: 37–47 percent
Platelets (Plt)     238 K/µL     150–400 K/µL
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)     79 fL     80–100 fL
Reticulocyte (Retics)     1.5 percent     0.3–2 percent
RDW     17 fL     11.5–14.5 fL

You decide to investigate further and recommend iron studies. They yield the following result:

Tests     Observed Values     Normal Values
Serum iron     19 µg/dL     45–182 µg/dL
Ferritin     12 µg/dL     22–322 µg/dL
TIBC     516 µg/dL     250–420 µg/dL


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