Posted: September 13th, 2017

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HNC/D Diploma in Computing & Project Design, Implementation & Evaluation

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HNC/D Diploma in Computing & Project Design, Implementation & Evaluation

You are a software project application developer whose job involves the entire lifecycle of software development from the initial design through to its implementation and evaluation, working for a software producing organisation called SoftwareProjects. The company specialises in the development of software applications for small and medium-sized businesses, and sometimes organisations such as schools, colleges, and government departments, in the public sector.
The software applications you specialise in the development of are generally of two types which either:
? computerise a manual business process, e.g. the development of a database for an aspect of a business’s sales and marketing department, or
? add some new functionality to an existing software application, e.g. the development of a web-site to enable global Internet access to a college’s student record database.
Your company is well known for its economic cost-base because you professionally document all aspects of the software project from beginning to end, which means that your projects are completed within the time and budget agreed with your customers.
In consultation with your tutor at the beginning of the module, and work-based manager where possible, select, plan, implement and evaluate a software development project and present the outcomes from the software project management process in a final executive summary (including a user-guide) document, and the software product of the project in an assessor (e.g. tutor) accessible executable file.
Assignment Task
Using the details given in the scenario, you are required to address the following individual assignment tasks so that you can prepare an executive summary and application executable.
In order to assist with your learning and to give you some early feedback you are encouraged to submit a draft of your answer to your tutor. This is optional and does not contribute to the grading for the module and whether you do this or not you must still submit a complete answer to the assignment. You can alter the draft after receiving feedback and before the final submission.
If you do decide to complete a draft of your assignment, then – in order to receive feedback – the document must be emailed to the module tutor well in-advance of the submission deadline. You are advised to complete a first draft as early as possible.
The tutor’s email address can be found on the module front page on iLearn and you will receive feedback within seven days.
Task 1 – Produce a software specification based on your choice of application (Word limit: 2000 words).
Include the following details as part of the software specification:
? produce three possible initial, outline software project specifications (1.1, 4.1)
? select one of the three outline software project specifications, and explain the factors which determined the selection of the chosen outline specification (1.2, 4.1)
? produce a final, full software project specification for the chosen outline software project specification (1.3, 4.1)
? produce a project plan for the software project (1.4, 4.1)
Task 2 – Implement the software specification (Word limit: 1000 words).
Perform the following activities as part of the software implementation:
? implement the full software project specification using appropriate software (e.g. MS Access, Oracle, etc.) (2.1, 4.1)
? produce a user-manual, including screenshots, to demonstrate the implementation of the full software project specification (2.2, 4.1)
? upload the implemented software executable to an appropriate digital medium to demonstrate the operation of the software according to the user-manual (Note: Contact your tutor concerning this before attempting) (2.3, 4.1)
Task 3 – Evaluate the software project (Word limit: 1000 words).
Include the following details as part of the software project evaluation:
? produce documentation which demonstrates that the software project has been evaluated using appropriate techniques from the software project management process, with reference to the implemented software and the software project specification (3.1, 3.2, 4.1)
? discuss the significance of the project, its limitations, suggested improvements and recommended future developments (3.3, 4.1)
Student Guidelines
1. You should write the answers to the tasks in the form of an executive summary. You should produce a coherently written document i.e. ‘bullet points’ alone or other ‘note’ format will not be acceptable, and you should write your answers taking care to explain, justify and evaluate your ideas and knowledge of how the theories and concepts studied in the QCF Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation module apply to the scenario. You should also underpin your analysis with relevant references to theory whilst at the same time ensuring that you write your assignment in your own words as far as is possible.
2. You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to reference their source.
3. You should include a reference list AND a bibliography list using the Harvard referencing system.
Please review the student handbook, complete the plagiarism quiz on ilearn and access the study skills mini module to ensure that you are aware of how to use referencing appropriately / correctly.
The word limit for TASK 1 is 2000 words maximum
The word limit for TASK 2 is 1000 words maximum
The word limit for TASK 3 is 1000 words maximum
These suggested word limits have been set in order for your research and summarising skills to be developed, and to allow your time management skills to be developed. However, you are required to ensure that the assignment answers all of the assignment questions and you are advised that there is no penalty for being over the suggested word count.
However, in the interests of good academic practice, assignments submitted with excessive word counts (e.g. 5000 + words) may be returned to students and asked to be reduced before marking.
Please note that the following elements of your written work are NOT included in the word count:
Title page, Contents page, repeated assignment questions, tables of figures, reference & bibliography lists, appendices.
Recommended Additional Resources
Websites various Project Management Institute resources
Assessment Criteria for Pass To achieve a Pass you must meet all of the assessment criteria as stated below. Failure to cover all of the assessment criteria will result in a referral grade and you will be required to re-submit your assignment. For further guidance on completion of your assignment email [email protected] Learning Outcomes/ Assessment Criteria Criteria Met For tutor use (you may wish to use this in your preparation for your assignment submission)
LO1 Be able to formulate a project
Documentation which demonstrates:
1.1 the formulation of three possible initial, outline software project specifications
1.2 the selection of one outline specification to be produced into a full software project specification, including the factors that determined the selection
1.3 the development of the full software project specification
1.4 the production of a project plan for the selected software project
Task 1
LO2 Be able to implement the project within agreed procedures and to specification
Documentation, and appropriate digital medium which contains the software application executable, which demonstrates:
2.1 the implementation of the software application
2.2 the software application user-guide
2.3 the software application executable
Task 2
LO3 Be able to evaluate the project outcomes
Documentation from the software project has been evaluated which demonstrates:
3.1 the use of appropriate techniques from the software project management process
3.2 an interpretation of the evaluation data produced
3.3 a discussion of further considerations, including the significance of the project, its limitations, suggested improvements and recommended future developments
Task 3
LO4 Be able to present the project outcomes
4.1 a report presented to an agreed format which synthesises all of the documentation from all aspects and stages of the software project which is appropriate to the supervising tutor and work-based manager; an agreed digital medium which contains the software application executable
All Tasks
Assessment Criteria for Merit To achieve a Merit all of the Pass criteria need to be met, then the tutor will assess whether you have met the Merit Criteria. Each of the Merit criteria must have been met at least once within the assignment. The following statements are examples of how a merit may be achieved, if you do meet the Merit Criteria by showing you have reached this level in other ways then credit will be awarded for this. You will need to meet M1, M2, M3 and M4 at least once. M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions ? A range of credible sources of information have been used to identify appropriate project design, M1
implementation, and evaluation methods and tools ? Effective judgements have been made when selecting appropriate project design, implementation, and evaluation methods and tools M2 Select design and apply appropriate methods/techniques ? Material presented is clearly and directly related to the project design, implementation and evaluation scenario M2 M3 Present and Communicate Findings ? Material is presented in a logical and accurate manner matching the stated requirements for each project design, implementation and evaluation task ? Appropriate levels of material are presented, taking into account the target audience – the project manager and customer/end-user ? Some use of referencing in the domain of software projects is made M3 M4 Present a complete executive summary that is formatted correctly to a high academic standard M4 Assessment Criteria for Distinction To achieve a Distinction you have met all of the Pass and the Merit criteria. Each of the Distinction criteria must be met at least once within the assignment. The following statements are examples of how a Distinction may be achieved, if you do meet the Distinction Criteria by showing you have reached this level in other ways then credit will be awarded for this. You will need to meet D1, D2, D3 and D4 at least once. D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate your own work & justify valid conclusions ? Proposals offer clearly justified matches to the software project requirements, with alternatives being discussed. These must be real and different alternatives, not just another variation on the same basic solutions. ? The work demonstrates a clear understanding of the overall requirements of the client as well as the individual system requirements D1 D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities ? Independent research, outside that provided in class, has been utilised to prepare the work ? Assignment is completed fully to deadline D2 D3 Demonstrate convergent, lateral & creative thinking ? Solutions presented show an innovative approach to software project design, implementation and evaluation based on the latest available methods and technologies. ? A clear understanding of the current trends in software projects is demonstrated by the specification of a software project that will handle future requirements appropriately D3 D4 Present a complete executive summary that is D4
formatted correctly to a professional standard

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