Posted: September 16th, 2017

Pedagogical Innovations Game-Based Learning

Pedagogical Innovations Game-Based Learning

Topic: Game-Based Learning

Assignment directions:
Your project must address the following:
Provide a brief overview of the innovation. What is the goal of using it with students?
How does this innovation incorporate current information about how we learn? Or, how does it contradict what we know about how we learn?
Would you recommend this innovation for adoption in classrooms and schools? Why or why not?

******Your project should include a minimum of four sources, one of which must be peer-reviewed primary research. ************

Two Resources to use please:

Game-Based Learning: Resource Roundup (Edutopia, n.d.)

Carey, B. (2014). How we learn: The surprising truth about when, where, and why it happens. New York: Random House.

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