Posted: September 13th, 2017

Peer review/feedback

Peer review/feedback

Order Description

Peer feedback.
You will be allocated a peer’s Assignment 1on which you will give constructive feedback.

This assignment is designed to promote the sharing of information across health practitioners. Engaging in this way can also develop partnerships that will assist not only with the completion of the systematic review but also with your future practice. It also helps us to get used to having our writing viewed by others, as is common in the workplace.

To complete this task you will need to do all parts of the assignment as outlined below:

(i) Clearly identify the research question topics to which you are providing peer critique.

(ii) Provide constructive feedback on areas of the assignment including:
• the explanation of why it is of clinical interest;
• the current practice or knowledge in the area;
• the clarity and conciseness of the research questions, including their compliance with a recognised format for the research question’s development (such as PICO/T) and the way the question has been refined;
• the rationale for the chosen search strategies, (designed to give the highest quality articles for the topic) including strategy with data bases; limiters including: language; date limiters; type of article; key words/MESH terms and their associated number of ‘hits’; logical refinement processes to select a minimum of 5 and maximum of 10 articles; and
• the peer-review journal choice and rationale for its use.

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