Posted: December 5th, 2014

Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly

Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly

Assignment Question
Assignment topic: Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly  and monopoly.
Based on the four types of markets (Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly), you are required to produce a written assignment between 1,500- 2,000 words.
1.     Introduction      (1 mark)
This should be a brief introduction about the markets. It should also provide an outline of the discussion that follows.
2.    The main characteristics of each market (the four markets: Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, Monopoly and Oligopoly)    (6 marks)

This section should explains each characteristic of each market.  You also need to explain the main similarities and differences between these markets in terms of  price and output determination.
3.    Comment upon and contrast the economic efficiency of the outcomes under perfect competition and monopoly.                                                                       (2 marks)

This section should explain whether the allocative and productivity efficiency can be achieved in both markets.

4.    Conclusion    (1 mark)
This should summarize your major points. You should not introduce any new issues here, but simply draw together your major points.

Note: Please try to use figures and real life examples where possible to support your argument.

Assignment structure and marking guide

Assignment Guidelines:
1.    The prescribed length is between 1,500- 2,000  words and it should not exceed this limit.
2.    This assignment is worth 10% of the total assessment.
3.    The assignment is due to be submitted by 25 December to Dr. Ali Salman Saleh. All assignments are to be submitted in the class.
4.    When writing the assignment assume you intend to submit to a scholarly journal – i.e. use essay form rather than report form. However, you are encouraged to use headings and sub-headings.
5.    No extensions will be granted without a good reason. If you have a valid reason for an extension you must make a request before due date (at least one week in advance).
6.    The assignment must be properly referenced.
7.    Any student suspected of copying another person’s work or plagerising from the internet will be thoroughly investigated.
8.    You should use the size 12 and times new roman for theme fonts. The distance between lines should be 1.5.
9.    The assignment should be typed and well presented.
10.    Student should submit a cover page that includes a full name, University ID, course name, course code and section number.


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