Posted: February 17th, 2015

Performance Lawn Equipment

Case: Performance Lawn Equipment

Case analysis is a report not just answers to questions
Case: Performance Lawn Equipment
In reviewing your previous reports, several questions came to Elizabeth Burke’s mind.
Use point and interval estimates to help answer these questions.
1. What proportion of customers rate the company with “top box” survey responses
(which is defined as scale levels 4 and 5) on quality, ease of use, price, and service
in the 2012 Customer Survey worksheet? How do these proportions differ by geographic
2. What estimates, with reasonable assurance, can PLE give customers for response
times to customer service calls?
3. Engineering has collected data on alternative process costs for building transmissions
in the worksheet Transmission Costs. Can you determine whether one of the
proposed processes is better than the current process?
4. What would be a confidence interval for an additional sample of mower test performance
as in the worksheet Mower Test?
5. How many blade weights must be measured to find a 95% confidence interval for
the mean blade weight with a sampling error of at most 0.2? What if the sampling
error is specified as 0.1?
Answer these questions and summarize your results in a formal report to Ms. Burke.

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