Posted: December 9th, 2014

performance Management;

performance Management;

The detailed requirements for this task are as follows:
As a global HR specialist, what are the cross-cultural challenges you may face in attempting to use HR best practices as performance interventions in a multinational context? Critically evaluate this question by utilising the appropriate academic literatures to justify relevance and effectiveness of the HRM/OB tools under consideration.
•    The theoretical and changing HRM landscape – e.g., the move from Personnel Management, SHRM, RBV, models of HRM and HR Best Practices.
•    Significance of HR best practices and organisational behaviour (OB) tools e.g.
1    Employee Training,
2    Performance Management,
3    Empowerment,
4    Employee Commitment
in assisting managers coping with cross-cultural dynamics of the contemporary workplace. (We have to choose one of those four)
I have choose the Performance Management
•    Assumptions underpinning the way in which HR best practices are being propagated, particularly in different multinational/cross-cultural environments. (we have to choose multi-culture company)
•    The influence of culture vis-a-vis the ‘enactment’ of HR best practices and the attendant OB theoretical tools in the management of individuals and the organisation – tease out the complexities and cultural tensions associated with implementation of HR best practices in a MNC.

1-    Introduction       ( you must use Lecture 1 and your adding )
i.    Evolving scope of human resource management and personnel management
ii.     the distinction between human resource management and Personnel management
iii.     Human resource practices (soft and hard HRM)
iv.    Best practices.

2- Performance management  (  please for this sector you have to read the all lectures specially 2,4 )
i.    introduction
ii.    conceptual foundations (theories)
iii.    types of performance management

3-Balanced Scorecard         ( we have use one of 360 or 180 or balance score card
I.    Perspective
II.    Culture dimension (MNC

When, who, where, what USED ( the topic you will use ) + (Advantage, Disadvantage)

And you have to talk about the 4 perspective on overview the choose two of them .
Then talk about the 4 Hofstede culture then talk about two of them and it must be in multinational company. Please see lecture 5

4- Conclusion


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