Posted: September 13th, 2017

Peripheral Nervous System

Peripheral Nervous System

ism 9. Autonomic Nervous System 16. Ultradian rhythm
unctionalism 10. Neurons 17. lnfradian rhythm
Theory 11. Axon 18. Sensory adaptation

5.Hypothesi’s 12. Synapse 19. Sensory deprivation

6.Control group 13. Hormone 20 Perceptual illusion

7. Central Nervous System 14. Corpus callosum

Section lll: Essay (50 points) Select ONLY g of the following mom essays. G
1. Describe the three schools of psychological thought that became popular when psychology emerged as a
discipline. Make sure you describe the major theorists associated with each school as well as the goal of
each of these perspectives.

2. is there a critical period for language? When the sad story of Genie was broadcast over national television,
many people wondered what the future would hold for a 13-year-old girl who had survived on minimal
physical care. What did psychologists learn about language acquisition through their efforts to teach
language to Genie? In what ways does Genie’s story illustrate some drawbacks to the case study method?

3. in 1848, an explosion near railroad-worker Phineas Gage sent a 3‘/2-foot iron rod through his skull. The

iron rod entered his head under the left eye and emerged from the top of Phineas’ head. Describe what
became known about brain functioning and personality due to this tragic accident.

l. One of the oldest mysteries about the brain is why it seems to “shut down” for sleep yet it provides us with
strange and colorful nightly dreams. Having mastered the material in Chapter Five, what answers are you
able to provide regarding this mystery? What questions remain to be answered through further research?

The Gestalt psychologists belonged to a movement that began in Germany and became influential in the
19205. What does the word “Gestalt” mean in German and why is it well suited to this theory? How did
Gestalt psychologists study the organization of the visual world? Name four Gestalt principles and give a


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