Posted: December 6th, 2013

personal decision making situation in the workplace

Project instructions:
This assessment requires you to engage in critical reflection of a personal decision making situation in the workplace or a similar environment in which you engaged in decision making processes that resulted in less than satisfactory outcomes.
You are required to use appropriate academic theories, models and frameworks to identify the relevant decision-making issues that arose in the situation that you have selected to analyse, evaluate why these issues arose and how you might have dealt these issues, if you had been exposed to the academic theories, models and frameworks covered in this course, at that time.
As this assessment requires a personal reflection, it should be written in the first person (as was required for Assessment 1). The form of presentation is a Basic Report Format which was used and explained in our academic literacy discussions. You should include sections and headings, but a Table of Contents or an Executive Summary is not required. Correct in-text referencing and a Reference List at the end are required. The word limit is 2000 words.

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