Posted: September 13th, 2017

Personal Mythology

Personal Mythology

Your final paper should be about 20 pages (double spaced and font 12). There are no other format restrictions (you do not need to follow APA or any other style guide).

You have tremendous freedom in how you approach your Personal Mythology. Your paper does not have to make direct references to the material we studied but I suspect

most of you will borrow from Campbell or some the other sources (articles, outside perspective book, floor plans &/or class discussions). In a way it is a 20 page

journal entry describing who you are, how you got to be who you are, and your values/personal philosophy. Do not be concerned if you find yourself with some

contradictory ideas, I think that is only normal. This is your story so try to “GO FOR IT”
information about me
was born in a relatively popular village in a very large family. 3 boys and 6 sister and I am the oldest one  My family and I profess the Muslim religion. Islamic

mythology is expressed but not limited to the narratives in the Q’uran. my grand mom live with us in the same house but she die about 10 years ago we have very big

farm and most of my time playing in it build a house and did a lot of thing I was very girl in the school got high grades. I will put file about my house and my secret

place. as an oldest one I have to take care of my spellings and help them in their homework and help my mom in home stuff
. After I finish my high school with good GPA I joined the university in the last year I got engage with my brother’s friend and he is older than me by 3 years and we

stayed one year before to get marriage in that time we talked to each other and see each other and that help us to know each other very well and fall in love. We have

been marriage almost 5 years and after one year of marriage we have got scholarship from my country to study we decided to come here to USA but my English

was so bad at that time u can talk about it and some problmes and funny story about it and I studied so hard and finally get the Toefl grades after many times of

trying and joined the Plymouth university. also I have a son he is 2 years and half and I gave birth of him here in USA u can talk about my experince as he is the

first child and living far a way from my family and no one helping me since I am studying at the same time and I am almost done of my program and after I will graduate

I will back to my country one more thing I am the oldest in my family and u have to write a 2 pages as a summary for the 20 pages u can send the 2 pages first and take

your time with 20 pages

My parents purchased a large farm out of town when we were little. My father ran a successful store in town that enabled him to marry while young and sire many

children and now he has a small company. As the eldest of ten children now, I can comfortably confess to admiring his ability to do so in this hard economy. My mother

came from relatively humble origins. Her parents did not have the ability to let her went to school she just finished her elementary school, making her really

determined by the otherwise reserved Arabic cultural setting to succeed, with or without an education.
The house we lived in before the age of ten was this large mansion within a large farm that my father had bought during his early years as a family man. The

white building with two floors was enclosed within a lawn of lush green grass that was supported by a rather effective irrigation system given the climate of Saudi

Arabia, which is very hot. All the water was filtered and directed to irrigating the fragile grass and date palm, giving the house compound a fertile look. Once you

were off the grass, there were neatly arranged tiles laid on the sandy soil that made the compound more beautiful. These concrete tiles covered the entire parking

area. Once inside, the mix of clean white walls and good air conditioning gave the otherwise hot house a more relaxed feel. Other than the large, cream-colored fan

whirring suspended from the ceiling, air-conditioning was quite subtle. The lounge area was the first area to come to view as the double set of comfortable looking

sofas greeted you. One had a slightly bent armrest as a result of my youngest sister’s incessant abuse, but only a keen eye would notice it. In any case, the large

vase of date palm in the immediate left-hand corner of the lounge distracted all who visited. Some even asked why my mother chose it as an ornamental plant while Saudi

Arabian deserts and farms were brimming with them. She more often than not smiled the question away by serving orange juice off the small mahogany counter next to the

television and entertainment set.
The next area one would enter after leaving the lounge area was the dining room. Although this area had a round oak dining table with eight chairs in the same

color – bright brown, its most striking feature was a beautiful painting on the right wall. Although we never knew the source of its painter, the misshapen wagon wheel

in the painting seemed to demonstrate the crooked dynamics within which life in the world has to contend. As with most dining rooms, there was a passage from the

adjoining kitchen through the wall. In all the years that mum served her famous dishes such as Kabsa which is a rice mixed with lam or chicken, and food for many

people would take time so she always asking for some help.
After the kitchen and dining room, the bedroom area came next. There were six bedrooms three of them in the second floor, with that used by my sisters next to the main

one – our parents. One bedroom was designated to our grandmother, and we were not allowed to gain access to it. Unfortunately, she passed on a decade ago. We used to

sleep on bunk beds set on opposite sides of the bedroom making sweet starched cotton the main scent these rooms had actually I still have my blanket. Well, sometimes

because the hot weather we prefer to play in our room so the bedding replacing the sweet cotton scent with a bad concoction of sweat, dirty and dust. Most of these

times our mother had us wash the entire rooms, making hygiene a main priority after a few harsh words, even forcing me to expose my secret hiding spot behind the bed.
My bedroom had a large desk that served as the main study area. In addition, the carpet was always creeping with small ants due to the habit of sneaking biscuits and

pastry from the kitchen against mum’s warning because we like to play tea party and I am always the guest who come with her kids just to eat and make a lot of mess

after that leave. This gave the bedrooms a look of childish innocence and a scent of stale confectionery, but we did our best to mask that with deodorants the moment

mum would announce her weekly inspections.
The area behind each of the two bathrooms housed a dhobi area where cleaning would take place. In the area between the enclosure’s shelf and its sink area, was

a wide crack that was not easy to see. Here, I would stash my private cache of letters, pictures and other contraband. In addition to the heavy stench of bar soap and

bleach, the area had a slippery floor that served to discourage any unnecessary visits meaning my cache was safe from, prying eyes.
Outside and a short walk away around the house there are many kind of trees such as lemon orange and date palm. They are big and very old. They look very green

in the summertime. They give beautiful shade. When I walk under these trees, I see a green pasture with many cows and sheep on it, I like to bond and give all of them

nicknames I feel a great sensation of freedom. One of my favorite memories that I have had while I was at my dad’s was when my dad and I would have to go get the

mother cows and there calves once they had a baby. My dad had made a little trailer to pull behind the four-wheeler and put the calf in once they were born, and the

mom would follow her baby from behind and we would put them in a carrel for a few days. One day this plan did not work out the way it normally did. Both me and my dad

were riding on the four wheeler, we stopped and put the calf in the trailer then got back on and started driving. Unexpectedly, the mother cow started chasing us and

got really riled. She jumped up on the front of the four-wheeler with her two front legs and I was off of there!!! My dad was still on the four-wheeler, but I was so

scared I just kept running. I almost ran all the way to the house before I even looked back. That was the story of my childhood house we lived and grew up in a large

happy family sheltered under an equally large house. It shaped us into responsible, hard-working people.


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