Posted: November 18th, 2014

Personal statement

Personal statement

Write a 2 page personal statement that I need to submit to enter law school. It should be indicating why would you like to become a lawyer and why you think you would be successful at it. I am open just to receive a generic, well composed 2 page statement which you will later on customize accordingly. Among the general reasons please include the below points:

-Being a defense attorney was my childhood dream.

-I have lawyer in the family and heard a to about the work and how satisfying it is in many aspects.

-I have a very keen sense of justice from early age.

-I had close friends in the past who were misrepresented in trials and I would not want to see this happening again to anyone.

-I enjoy arguments and usually do very well.

-I feel I can be successful at it because I am very capable, fast learner, have outstanding memory, patience and I am really interested in the subject, especially criminal law.

-Growing up in Europe and the Middle-East I first hand experienced what it means to be oppressed and not have capable and effective representation and I would like to assure that I will never be in a situation like that.

-I have more then 10 years experience as a manager in dealing with people, their issues, problems and negotiations.

-Try to include traits like motivation, maturity, enthusiasm, honesty, independence, perseverance, creativity, passion, strong personal ethics, confidence, and appropriate humor.Personal statement


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