Posted: September 13th, 2017

Perspectives on English as a Global Language

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Around the world, the English language is being used for communication among people who come from various language backgrounds–in fact, a majority of English users today grew up speaking other languages. As a result of these language contacts, the English language itself is changing its shape. While some people resist change, there is not much any individual–or a group of people–can do to reverse the trend. In fact, no one owns the language. Yet, people have various views about what English is or should be.

One way to understand different perspectives on an issue is to conduct a rhetorical analysis of texts–spoken or written. Rhetorical analysis is a way of analyzing what the text can tell us not only about the subject and argument strategies but also about the interrelationship among the writer, the audience, the genre and arguments as well as the cultural values of the writer and of the knowledge community.

For this writing project, write a rhetorical analysis essay (a kind of critical analysis essay) that examines an argument about English as a global language.

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