Posted: September 13th, 2017


Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



This order contains 3 parts of Phase1 of my project. Therefore 3 deliverable over the next 3-4 months. Writer will have breathing space and that is the idea of placing all these together and will be able to write good paper without worrying about delivering in short time frame.

Time Frame:
a) Phase1-Part1 – Research topic selection – 600 words. To be delivered by 5th march 2015

b) Phase1-Part2 – Deep/advance Literature Review – 4800 words. To be delivered by 20 April 2015

c) Phase1-Part3 – Research Project Proposal – 4800 words. To be deliver by 1st June 2015.

Phase2-part3-6 (remaining part of paper) will be done in next order on the same topic.

—– instructions —–
will be provided in a separate file

Project Topic:
Explore the synthesis (and/or recognition) of a particular speech using deep learning applications

This Research project has 2 phases. This order is for Phase1 for first 3 deliverables;


  1. Phase1-Part1-Deliverable1–> Topic selection – must be submitted before 5th March 2015
  2. Phase1-Part2-Deliverable2–> Adv. Literature Review – must be submitted before 20th April 2015
  3. Phase1-Part3-Deliverable3–> Research Project Proposal- must be submitted before 1st June 2015


  1. Phase2-Part1-Deliverable4–> 1 or 2 pages Summary Report of above Phase1 part1,2,3 – due date July 3rd week
  2. Phase2-Part2-Deliverable5–> 2 page report on quantative research and its application- due date Aug first week
  3. Phase2-Part3-Deliverable6–> Research proposal – 22 pages -due date sept first week.

Abstract; Introduction;Research Objectives;Literature Review;

Methodology;Work Plan;Conclusion; and (8)

  1. Phase2-Part4-Deliverable7–> Data preparation/data collection/numerical experiment design: – due date Sept last week
  2. Phase2-Part5-Deliverable8–> sum it up all phase1 and phase2 and release journal article due date Oct second week.




—— INSTRUCTIONS for Writer for Phase1-Part1-Deliverable1 —————–

This topic start in this deliverable and will finish in Phase2. Make sure we can achieve this in this time-frame.

We should not select a topic that require more time than this e.g. data collection hard etc.

area of topic;

Robotics, Machine Learning and Computer Vision


Explore the synthesis (and/or recognition) of a particular speech using deep learning applications

Please give me a few options which application you would like to do in this before working on this further.


Read well-ranked journals (or conf paper) and choose one or two journals for this research project.

identify research topic, importance of the topic and evaluate the research problem.

Write a concise introduction for your article of no more than 600 words addressing below questions;

  1. a) Big picture that make you to investigate the area
  2. b) background / current state
  3. c) Problem that u are addressing
  4. e) Importance
  5. f) what is the innovation part to it
  6. g) What is the outcome of this research


Use in-text citations, APA style referencing. Please send me all the baseline article/paper that we use in this work as well.


—— INSTRUCTIONS for Writer for Phase1-Part2-Deliverable2 —————–

  1. a) Read 5 journal and 5 conference articles of within last 3 yrs
  2. b) Identify seminal literature and provide evidence that at least 2 of them have been read

review them critically. use the same title of study as part1

  1. c) list down all the hypothesis/questions
  2. d) Summarize ideas chronological
  3. e) position topic and discuss philosophical and theoretical aspect of this project
  4. f) Critically review the literature and find out the gaps in the literature.
  5. g) Set the scope of the review
  6. h) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the topic
  7. i) Comment on research directions and future trends

Your literature review should also:


Use in-text citations, APA style referencing.


—— INSTRUCTIONS for Writer for Phase1-Part3-Deliverable3 —————–

Research Project Proposal:

  1. a) You need to write a research project proposal to conduct a study for your article.
  2. b) Plan should address great details of the topic
  3. c) Include hypothesis(s) related tot he topic
  4. d) Objective of research
  5. e) Discuss the research methodology to be used
  6. f) Provide justification of choice of methodology
  7. g) Comment on research paradigm, and describe experimental setup/framework, step u will take

to collect the data and analyse it, design experiment, , tool for hypothesis, trustworthiness of the results

setup quantifiable measure


Use in-text citations, APA style referencing.


Next part of this project will be in Phase2

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