Posted: September 14th, 2017

Philosophies of Change and their Impact on Social Policy

0 pages with references answering the following questions:
1- What is an Authority?
2- What is the Port Authority?
3- What is the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey?
4-What is the organizational structure of the Port Authority?
5- Who does the Port Authority reports to?
6- Why was the Port Authority created?
7- What are some of the major ticket items in development by the Port Authority?
8- What occurred with the current Governor Chris Christie?
9- Why did it occurred?
10- Who is responsible?
11- Why are the New Jersey Legislators investigated and not New York?
12- What is your opinion on Authority?
13- Can you name any other Authorities that have an impact whether directly or indirectly on your life in New York and your community in which you live?…..

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