Posted: November 16th, 2014


Mid Term Essay

Project description
Please submit an essay response to ONE of the questions below. Your essay should be a clear and measured response to one of the questions. Make sure that you answer

ALL parts of the questions, and support your statements with references to the assigned readings. The mid term essay is meant to assess your ability to engage the

assigned readings with a thoughtful analysis. In other words, you must engage the readings to receive a high score on the essay.

Please DO NOT incorporate any outside sources into your essay. Your sole evidence should come from the readings. Your essay will also be checked with an anti-

plagiarism program, so refrain from relying on online sources. Any paper that borrows from outside sources (e.g. sparknotes, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, etc.)

will receive a zero.Your essay must be between one and two pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins.

Pick JUST ONE to write about:

1. Plato draws a distinction between good lies, which are useful, and bad lies, which are harmful. According to Plato, what is the difference between these two types

of lies and what effects can we expect them to have on citizens? Are you convinced that political lies are sometimes necessary? Why or why not?
2. Pericles and Socrates have starkly different opinions on what qualifies someone to participate in politics. By referring to Socrates’s argument in The Apology and

Pericles’s argument in “The Funeral Oration,” describe and contrast their views on political participation. Pay special attention to the role of reason versus

experience in their accounts. Who provides a better theory of political participation in your opinion? Why?

You can choose whichever source ONLY from the list listed below
Readings are:

Plato, The Republic, Hackett Publishing
Plato, The Last Days of Socrates, Penguin Classics
Aristotle, The Politics and the Constitution of Athens, Cambridge University Press
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Cambridge University Press
Machiavelli, Selected Political Writings, Hackett Publishing


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