Posted: September 14th, 2017

Physical thresholds and their Psychological effects; inspired by H. Lefebvre's analysis of 'Everyday Life' Custom Essay

Present the connection of Harvey’s theory with H.Lefebvre’s work in relation to the subject ( Harvey’s work to be mentioned only with reference to his theory of ‘…the quality and organisation of daily life’)
B) CHAPTER 1: Literature review :main analysis of Lefebvre’s work with specific reference to ‘Everyday life’
NOTE: In this chapter a comparison of Lefebvre’s work should be made with reference to his more contemporary text ‘The right to
the city’ (more texts are more than welcome)
D) CHAPTER 3:Physical thresholds
NOTE: In this chapter i want to present the different meanings given to thresholds especially:
a) barriers
b) crossing(walking along the threshold,street)
c) transport
d) invisible etc.
E) CHAPTER 4 :Psychological effects of Physical Thresholds
NOTE: i want to present especially the way this organises space and experience
NOTE: an example of threshold could be the transition from a pour neighbourhood to a wealthier (do NOT limit the analysis of this section to this example only)
4) I would like a draft of minimum of 2.500 words within 10 days after confirmation, in order to give feedback if changes are required.
5) more sources will be attached throughout time.
Referencing Requirements:
‘Everyday life’ by Henri Lefebvre
‘Toward the city of thresholds’ by Stavros Stavrides
Harvey, D. (2012) Rebel cities, London, Verso

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