Posted: September 13th, 2017

Planning for Expansion : Assessing Financial Development in target markets.

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



The Assignment requires you to construct tables and charts in an investigation of cross-country differences in the level of financial development. Recalling the initiative of The World Bank to construct a database of indicators pertaining to banking sector development and financial markets development, the Global Financial Development Database includes four broad types of indicator, namely: measures of depth; access; efficiency and stability.
Assume the board of directors of a large UK-based international banking conglomerate contracts you to offer advice on a planned expansion strategy involving the acquisition of subsidiaries in overseas markets, which will offer banking and non-banking products and services. Your task is to offer an evaluation of banking and non-banking performance using indicators of depth, access, efficiency and stability.

Nine Countries have already been chosen, they are;
Sri Lanka
United Kingdom

Required :

To measure financial markets development by selecting the indicators from each of the various measures of depth, access, efficiency and stability as provided in the additional files.

Include data on GDP, GDP per capita for the sample countries.

Define the timeframe for your analysis that is from 2005-2010 as selected (again it is provided in the additional file).

Construct tables and charts and remember to include data on the UK for comparative purposes.

In your written report, please explain to the board of directors what each of the indicators measures and why it is important to measure each aspect of financial development.

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