Posted: July 3rd, 2015

“Plato was right about one thing: democracy opens political decision making to the majority of people who are too ignorant to make rational decisions about the good of the whole community. Aristotle’s view of democracy is overly optimistic. Agree or not?

“Plato was right about one thing: democracy opens political decision making to the majority of people who are too ignorant to make rational decisions about the good of the whole community. Aristotle’s view of democracy is overly optimistic. Agree or not?

Construct a logical argument supported primarily by the course readings. Do not provide an unsupported “knee-jerk” reaction to the question. Also be sure that you do not simply summarize the readings without constructing a coherent argument that relates to the material presented. Present a clear and decisive argument and use the assigned readings as evidence for your argument.

“Say what you will about Plato, he was right about one thing: democracy opens political decision making to the majority of people who are too ignorant to make rational decisions about the good of the whole community. Aristotle’s view of democracy, by contrast, is overly optimistic.” Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

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