Posted: September 13th, 2017

Plato's Symposium

Plato’s Symposium


1. Oaware and contrast Socrates’ concept of Eros with that of any of the other
speakers. Show what it is that 8ooretes’ epoech has in cannon with theirs:
diet the differences are, and what the philosophical implications of the
different concepts are. what does each speech contribute to the cones?“-3‘
oi Eros as a whole that is developed by Plato in the dLe1°¢“”
1. Show how Plato systematically develops his general philoI°Ph1°‘1 *4“
tree in the various speeches, how each speaker and D9009“ 1-‘ ‘ °°°t””b““‘“‘
to the vhole, and what ultimately is the strength and impel’-‘f¢¢t1°3o 19 “*7: ‘t
each speech, and the virtue and danger of Eros itself as exhibited in the A
speeches. V
3. What is the relationship of Plato’s concept of Eros to the nature of men. 194
how is tho ultimate destiny of men defined in terms of erotic etrivingf Uhu
is the relation of Eros to knowledge, power, pleasure, freedom and human
6. What is it that ultimately distinguishes Socrates‘ concept of Bros -(and ms)
{tn the other speakers? What are the various moral, social and political
iqlioations of this difference (if you think there is a difference) in term
V‘ 8n‘e’ultinate fate in the world Discuss in term of the difference betj
3;” see and selfish love, eternity & tine, soul 5. body, universal 6. perticuier,
in opinion, friendship & sexuality, etc.
is the philosophical significance of Socrates and his speech in the general
Open: of Plato’s concept of love and man? How is this related to the
mania; and value of Philosophy and the relation of Philosophy to
331:, science, education, and poetry (as represented by both Agathon and
the significance of Alcilgiedes‘ speech in praise of Socrates in relatim M
the speeches as a whole, or to Socrates? Discuss, if you choose, the
Socrates to Alcibiades as a concrete example of the general meaning
Lgelation of Plato’s conception of Eros to human freedun. Bow do
f4» chos reflect each speakers‘ view of freedom ‘(and love), as well
viev of himself as an individual and the values he lives for? now
reflected in the historical fate of each man, for good or ill‘!
1 ~ t is the relation of men’s concept of freedom to the way he
lite? u
tion between Plato’s concept of Eros and his views on edu-
rn eel!-development in which desire is a force that is
srds Ian’s true goal. How does the Good and the concept


Discuss fully Plato‘: concept of the 1 1 in. to ma especially
in CO2‘!!! of Ari8tOph&n¢g’ 5: Socratenul-:p::ic‘;:.‘:£ V. do th; cghcr

gpeaches express this relation} What is at stake, especially for Socrates 6:
Aristophanes, in truly locating the nature of man and the relation Of I”

God (in Plato’s sense of the meaning of mod‘): nncuaa in ten!‘ °£ a”
historical problems posed by science, the sophiats, the doctrine of flux: ‘hzh.
individugl as’the mac 2: all things , 1-e1.g1v1gm, guuua.-e va. convention,
tun 0 mfln S 01′.’ 8 9 e 0

10. Discuss the relation in the Symposium of Bros and Beauty. 1:067 5:93.:

concept of the relation differs from the other speeches: “‘ “uuted to ?ut°g’
consequences and implications of the difference? Bow istghisingividul
conceptionof freedom and responsibility, the 81‘°””3h

morally autonomous agent, etc!

11. Discuss the specific stages that, for Socrates, the indi:d?1:::;)P3fl3!: ultb

before achieving genuine understanding. ‘Why is Betuty ( f the various Bus“
mate object of human striving, and what is the relation othis development d“.
to their consummation in the vision of Beauty. HOW 085 ending towards the
tinguish Socrates‘ concept of man as a temporal creature asc does Scent“.
eternal from the other speakers’ con‘?-BPCS °f Wm: 1“ Vh“ “‘7

concept encompass the others as well:

I t f 3 cs as it is exemplified in the relation of Soo!-‘I303
‘g1h.::P:::° incttef-:3 of hi: actual behavior to the other persons, his _8P’-93*
an grog .nd’A1cibiades’ portrait of their relationship. what is‘the nature,

3 goal and cause of Socrates‘ love? what does Socrates ultimately love and why?
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college, Flushing, New York 11367


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