Posted: September 16th, 2017

Poetry Exam

Poetry Exam

Order Description

Form and Type: Critical Analysis (10 points)
Identify one poem and compare/contrast it with a text from the Fiction Unit (including American Born Chinese, Violator Union, & Persepolis) that is similar in topic. How does each text approach the topic? Critique the effectiveness of the writers’ strategies and techniques used to discuss the topic. Your answer must be three paragraphs (8-10 sentences each), and have a clear thesis statement. You must cite the poem and the story using MLA format.

I will list some poems so writer can choose one to relate to:
1-Rios – “Nani”
2-Liv – “The New” (Spoken word poetry)
Watch the video here:
3-Parker – “Resume”
4-Hopkins – “God’s Grandeur”
5-Brooks – “The Bean Eaters”
6-Donne – Death, be not proud
7-Pound – “In a Station of the Metro”

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