Posted: September 14th, 2017

Policing plan Law

Policing plan Law

Devise a tactical neighbourhood policing plan that addresses local crime and anti-social behaviour problems on the Metropolitan Estate (a fictional name) in a run-down area of London. The main crime and anti-social behaviour problems consist of bullying o
Project description
Devise a tactical neighbourhood policing plan that addresses local crime and anti-social behaviour problems on the Metropolitan Estate (a fictional name) in a run-down area of London. The main crime and anti-social behaviour problems consist of bullying of vulnerable families, drug dealing and illegal drug taking, broken windows, other kinds of vandalism, littering and graffiti.

The report should be of approximately 1500 words (no less than 1400 words and no more than 1600) – it can be typed or handwritten.

Now that you are approaching the task of writing up your tactical neighbourhood policing plan you will need to refer to the notes you made for the oral presentations. You may also wish to discuss it with colleagues in your group.


It may also be useful to reflect on the feedback to the oral presentations. While some of it relates to oral skills some is equally applicable to report writing skills:

For the main part students in Groups A to H provided interesting and well prepared presentations that were tightly focused on the required topics. The overall standard was high and all students passed the test. The highest marks were awarded to students who combined careful research, a sensible selection of material and an effective use of real world scenarios with high calibre presentation skills. All students showed potential to enhance their presentation skills with practice, in some cases this will entail using written notes as a prompt rather than a text to read verbatim. All students showed a solid grasp of the key issues so as to begin preparing a written report of their topic.


Here some student questions are answered:

Q: How do I approach the task if I missed the oral presentation?

A: Write the tactical neighbourhood policing plan in exactly the same way as if you had taken part in the oral presentation. To do so refer to the same material as students who undertook the oral presentation. This entails referring to your notes on relevant material in the lectures, seminars and especially in the academic literature. You may also wish to speak to students who gave oral presentations.

Q: Should my report include reference to all local crime and anti-social behaviour problems on the Metropolitan Estate (a fictional name) in a run-down area of London, ie bullying of vulnerable families, drug dealing and illegal drug taking, broken windows, other kinds of vandalism, littering and graffiti OR just to the one problem (eg littering) that was the subject of my own oral presentation?

A: You have a choice. You may focus mainly on the one issue that was the subject of your own presentation OR you may address all or some of the issues, eg bullying of vulnerable families, drug dealing and illegal drug taking, broken windows, other kinds of vandalism, littering and graffiti

Q: My group focused on problems in a school on the Metropolitan Estate. Can I repeat this in the report?

A: Yes. You have that choice. The report may focus on the estate as a whole or on a school on or near the estate, exactly as in the oral presentations.

Q: How should I structure the report?

A: The report should be written clearly. It should contain an introduction, rather like the introductory presentation in your group on 3rd December, as a guide around 250 words. Then the main focus of the report should be in the region of 1000 words and the conclusion around 250 words.

Q: Where will I find academic material and articles to support the points I am making in the report?

A: In all of the reading material for this module. This entails research in the library and online. In addition some material is posted on Weblearn, eg the article Situational Policing by Nolan, Conti and McDevitt posted in Assessment details on Weblearn today – 06 January.


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