Posted: September 16th, 2017


Questions (not both of them – just one of these) : 
a-““Elections are times when politics become defined more as a “horse race”, reduced to a collection of winners and losers, than as a way of organising political institutions for the long term good of society” (Oates 2008, p.90). Discuss.

b) What issues do the devolved institutions – Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – face in communicating news about devolution in the UK? You may discuss one or all the devolved institutions in the UK.

a- An introduction 
telling the reader how you are going to answer the essay question

b- A discussion  
Drawing on a wide range of scholarly readings to generate an informed argument about your topic. DO NOT CARRY OUT FRESH RESEARCH e.g. survey or content analysis

c- A conclusion 
Summarizing the argument and making explicit how you have answered the essay question


“how to Research Essays ” ==> given from lectures. 

No need to carry out research using a method
Can draw on examples
But need to research essays using academic literature 

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