Posted: June 16th, 2016

Which political philosophy would you support? Why? How would you address the criticisms of your preferred philosophy?

Write a 2 to 3 page paper that addresses the following questions:

1. Which political philosophy would you support? Why? How would you address the criticisms of your preferred philosophy? Be sure to support you answer with the appropriate references.

2. Bill earns five times as much as Sam. What would each political philosophy of utilitarianism, liberalism, and libertarianism likely suggest should be done in this situation? Explain.

3. Taxes are often used as a means of distributing income. What kind of tax system would you favor (regressive, flat, progressive)? Why? (for a review of these terms: click here)

4. Do you think government should have a role in redistributing income? If so, in what way ways? If not, why not?

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