Posted: September 13th, 2017

Political Science Legislation

Political Science Legislation

Write a research paper covering a past or current piece of legislation from the U.S. Congress, State Legislatures, State Propositions, or Local Legislatures. Your

paper should include the following:

–    Detailed write-up of the piece of legislation.
–    History of the legislation (how it came to be on the agenda).
–    Who sponsored the bill?
–    Are there any interest groups involved? If so who and why?
–    Was the legislation passed? By what margin?
–    If it failed to pass why did it fail? Has it been resubmitted?
–    What have been the results of the bill’s passage? Positive or negative?

These are just a few items to include in your paper. The more information you provide on the bill and its current status or history the better. The last part of

your research paper should include your supported viewpoint. Remember, I don’t want an unsupported opinion. I want to read your supported viewpoint on the legislation.

Give me your viewpoint if the bill has accomplished what it was intended to do, or failed and why.

Additional guidelines for your writing of the research paper:

–    You must use as a minimum five primary sources in your paper.
–    You must use as a minimum five secondary resources.
–    Follow the APA 6th Edition format completely. This includes your Reference page.
–    Do not use your class textbook as a reference source.
–    Do not use the online encyclopedia Wikipedia as a source.
–    You must have a title page (Do not put pictures, charts, graphs, etc. on the title page. Simply follow APA 6th Edition format.
–    Do not put your report into a document cover sheet, plastic binder, etc.
–    Do not use an overabundance of quotes in your paper. I want to read your writing not another author’s.
–    Watch paragraph length. A paragraph shouldn’t go on for 2 pages or more.
–    Do not overuse commas…if in doubt…leave it out.
–    The title page and reference page do not count as part of the 5-7 page requirement (you need 5-7 pages of content).
–    You do not need to provide an abstract.
–    Late submissions of the assignment will result in a reduction of one grade point level.

Objectives to be accomplished through the completion of this Legislative Research Project.

1.    Students through hands-on research, analyzing, and writing will develop a clearer understanding of the political processes and institutions of U.S. and

California government.

2.    Students through hands-on research, analyzing, and writing will develop a clearer understanding of the relationships between governmental institutions and

nongovernmental actors such as political parties and interest groups as well as the effect of these relationships on political processes and outcomes.

3.    Students will develop stronger research, written, and critical thinking skills through the completion of this Legislative Research Project.


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