Posted: September 9th, 2015

Politics and religion in the United States

Pope John Paul II invites U.S. President George Bush, accompanied by his wife, Barbara, to meet members of the clergy gathered in the Vatican’s Clementine Hall, Nov. 8, 1991. The President and the Pope met after the President attended the NATO Summit in Rome. (AP Photo/Denis Paquin)
2-Part Assignment
As you read, research and study the topic of religion and politics in the United States, you will encounter various events, people, and writings through the last several hundred years. In this assignment, work to identify those events, leaders and writings that you believe had the most influence on shaping the relationship between American politics and religion.

Part 1: Compose an essay of approximately 3-4 pages that describes what you believe to be the state of religion and politics in the United States today. In your essay, address the following questions:

How would you characterize the modern relationship between politics and religion in the United States? Give examples to illustrate your position.
Do you believe that this relationship is too close? Or, too distant? Defend your views by using examples that illustrate your points.
Discuss what you believe to be the most important factors that have shaped the nature of the relationship between religion and politics through the last several hundred years.
Part 2: Create a timeline documenting the most important historical influences on the relationship between religion and politics in the United States.

You may include any events, people, writings, scientific discoveries, etc. that you deem significant. Your timeline can be in any format, such as PowerPoint or Word. You should include at least 10 items of significance, with a brief description of each.

The written portion of your paper should be in APA format.
Please use at least 5 documented resources.
For an excellent online, free, and comprehensive resource for APA formatting, please see The OWL at Purdue.

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