Posted: September 13th, 2017

Pollution Prevention and Fire Protection and Prevention

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  1. Coupling classifications are:
  hard, soft, or moderate.
  tight, loose, or moderate.
  strenuous, easy, or heavy.
  good, fair, or poor.

10 points

Question 2

  1. __________ is the nature of the gripping method, which can affect not only the maximum force a worker can or must exert on the object, but also the vertical location of the hands during the lift.
  Lifting duration
  Coupling component
  Frequency multiplier
  Vertical distance

10 points

Question 3

  1. __________ is defined as the distance of the hands above the floor, in inches or centimeters (measure at the origin and destination of lift).
  Vertical travel distance
  Horizontal location
  Load weight
  Vertical location

10 points

Question 4

  1. The __________ is an imaginary line at the midpoint between the ankles.
  point of project
  sagittal line
  frontal line
  lateral line

10 points

Question 5

  1. Distance of the hands away from the midpoint between the ankles, in inches or centimeters (measure at the origin and destination of the lift), is known as:
  distance multiplier.
  horizontal location.
  vertical location.
  neutral body position.

10 points

Question 6

  1. __________ is classified as short, moderate, or long duration.
  Lifting frequency
  Lifting duration
  Vertical travel distance
  Horizontal travel distance

10 points

Question 7

  1. __________ is the act of manually grasping an object of definable size and mass with two hands, and vertically moving the object without mechanical assistance.
  Load weight
  Lifting index
  Lifting duration
  Lifting task

10 points

Question 8

  1. __________ is a term that provides a relative estimate of the level of physical stress associated with a particular manual lifting task.
  Coupling component
  Frequency multiplier
  Lifting index
  Recommended weight limit

10 points

Question 9

  1. __________ is the primary product of the NIOSH lifting equation.
  Lifting index
  Recommended weight limit
  Frequency multiplier
  Coupling component

10 points

Question 10 –

  1. __________ is defined for a specific set of task conditions as the weight of the load that nearly all healthy workers could perform over a substantial period of time (up to 8 hours) without an increased risk of developing lifting-related low back pain or injury.
  Lifting index
  Lifting frequency
  Recommended weight limit
  Asymmetric multiplier

10 points

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