Posted: September 13th, 2017

Pollution Provention fundamentals and practice

Pollution Provention fundamentals and practice

Order Description

The response should be at least 275 words in length for each answer. There is a requirement to use at least the textbook as source material for the response.

Textbook: Bishop, P. L. (2000). Pollution prevention: Fundamentals and practice. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Per 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Be sure to use APA formatted in-text citations to identify sources for information. Note that in-text citations are required even if the information has been reworded. Citations are utilized when a phrase, a piece of specific information, or a sequence of sentences is drawn from an outside source. (Note that unmonitored websites, such as Wikipedia, are not acceptable.).

Many photographic processes use chromium salts. Washing the photographic plates, results in excess hexavalent chromium being discharged into wash waters and eventually into our waterways.

Q1: Considering the statement above and using the Pollution Prevention Hierarchy (Found within chapter 1), what options are available to reduce these discharges and which would be most preferable?

Q2: Evaluate and contrast source reduction, emission reduction, and waste reduction in terms of Pollution Prevention. Be specific and provide examples. (The terms source reduction, emission reduction and waste reduction are found within chapter 1).

Q3: Select a company from industry and determine whether it used a sequential engineering process or a concurrent engineering approach. Describe how the decision making hierarchy could have been improved. (Sequential and concurrent engineering topic can be found at the beginning of chapter 5 in the textbook).

Q4: Cite and explain the United States laws concerning pollution prevention, there are several. (These laws are described within chapter 4 in the textbook).

The response should be at least 275 words in length for each answer. There is a requirement to use at least the textbook as source material for the response.

Textbook: Bishop, P. L. (2000). Pollution prevention: Fundamentals and practice. New York,     NY: McGraw-Hill.

Per 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Be sure to use APA formatted in-text citations to identify sources for information. Note that in-text citations are required even if the information has been reworded. Citations are utilized when a phrase, a piece of specific information, or a sequence of sentences is drawn from an outside source. (Note that unmonitored websites, such as Wikipedia, are not acceptable.).

Many photographic processes use chromium salts. Washing the photographic plates, results in excess hexavalent chromium being discharged into wash waters and eventually into our waterways.

Q1: Considering the statement above and using the Pollution Prevention Hierarchy (Found within chapter 1), what options are available to reduce these discharges and which would be most preferable?

Q2: Evaluate and contrast source reduction, emission reduction, and waste reduction in terms of Pollution Prevention. Be specific and provide examples. (The terms source reduction, emission reduction and waste reduction are found within chapter 1).

Q3: Select a company from industry and determine whether it used a sequential engineering process or a concurrent engineering approach. Describe how the decision making hierarchy could have been improved. (Sequential and concurrent engineering topic can be found at the beginning of chapter 5 in the textbook).

Q4: Cite and explain the United States laws concerning pollution prevention, there are several. (These laws are described within chapter 4).

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