Posted: September 16th, 2017



Order Description

first part 1000 words for the portfolio of evidence section, which is you saying your role- what you did etc(it says under each heading on the brief and the screenshot that you what to include)
second section 1000 words for the reflection which is you saying what skills you have gained ( and it says in the brief that i will attach what to include)

2] Portfolio of evidence and module log [communication log]
(2 Units of assessment) = point number 6 task.
This should include project agenda setting, action plans, and achievements. It should evidence a professional approach to weekly planning and implementation of tasks.
Visual imagery should also be included to evidence your findings.

In this you can include; shop reports, research into specific job roles, any other research can be put into the appendix at the back of the portfolio and referenced accordingly.

1000 words

3] Personal Reflection log (2 Units of assessment) = point number 7 task.

A personal reflection log that identifies knowledge and skills developed over the course of the module and how this relates to your career aspirations. This should include your personal profile, CV and self-reflection. The skills mapping, which should be updated throughout the term to reflect your growing skills, can be used to structure your personal reflection.

1000 words

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