Posted: February 7th, 2015

Portrait of Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn

Portrait of Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn

Project description
Composition Project 2: Making Change

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.
Henry Ford

1.Identify a problem
2.Articulate its importance
3.Analyze causes and effects of the problem
4.Propose a clear solution to an appropriate audience

Here are important components of this composition:

The Composition
1.Choose a topic. Brainstorm and identify issues that you care about at Drexel, in Philadelphia, or beyond. Uncover a problem that is most pertinent to your interests.
2.Write a proposal. Compose a brief topic proposal in which you make a case for the importance of the problem you want to explore, discuss your research strategies,

and describe the intended audience for your composition.
3.Gather sources and compose an annotated bibliography. You will gather sources and compose an annotated bibliography. Your sources should include your own primary

research (interview, survey, observation report), secondary research (journals, newspapers, film, music), and at least one type of visual (chart, graph, photo,

4.Choose a form and begin composing: Your will decide on the form that your project will take (report, Website, blog, brochure, article for a specific publication, TV

or radio commercial, podcast, advertising campaign, short film, grant proposal, etc.). Audio/visual projects with minimal text should be accompanied by a 750-word

rhetorical analysis in which you discuss the rhetorical situation, role of the writers in the project, and reason for the chosen format.

Project Reports
Four times over the course of this collaborative project, individual students will email the professor a brief report about how the project is going thus far. These

reports, part of your informal writing in the course, will reflect on how the group is working together toward their goal: Successes? Challenges? Questions?

Once your final product is completed, you will present it to the class. Keeping in mind that written and multimedia compositions and oral presentations can be very

different rhetorical situations, your group will decide on the best format for your presentation to your peers and professor.

Reflection on Project 2
At the completion of the project (final product and presentation), you will write an informal reflection, in which you look back on the project, think about its many

facets, and discuss how it has impacted you, your learning, writing, and research. You will share these reflections with one another in class.
Subject I choose: For this next project I would like to address male and female stereotypes in the fashion society. How and why they were formed and if it plays into

other fields as well. I am a fashion design student and Im constantly asked, are there any men in your field and are they gay? I can answer that question fairly easily

but I ask myself why does it matter? Why do people care and how come they already assume my answer? Statistically are they correct or is it a false serotype on the men

in my field? Hopefully through my research I can figure out where the stereotype came from and if similar things happen in other fields as well. I will be able to

correctly answer their question and maybe educated them if they are wrong


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