Posted: July 12th, 2013

posters writing

Incorporate concepts learned in the study of the key functional areas of business to analyze the organization as a whole.
Identify and understand a firm’s stakeholder claims and the impact of these claims on a firm’s decision making.
Use appropriate models to analyze a business and its strategic choices at the
Corporate, business and functional levels and make recommendations on how the business can improve its competitive position.
Analyze the global external environment and be able to explain its impact on the firm’s strategies.
Analyze the macro environment in terms of political, economic, social,
Technological and cultural forces in order to understand how these forces impact the firm and its industry.
Identify and understand industry trends and competitive positions that affect a
Firm’s ability to gain and sustain competitive advantage. Learn to use Porter’s
five forces model to examine the industry environment.
Analyze the internal environment of the firm and be able to identify internal
Systems, resources and capabilities that add value to the business.
4. Discuss the key determinants of a firm’s competitive advantage and strategies for building sustainable competitive advantage.
5. Describe the role of innovation, technology and entrepreneurship in attaining and sustaining competitive advantage in a dynamic market.
6. Define corporate strategy and discuss its importance to a diversified firm.
Analyze diversification and globalization strategies.
Compare/contrast the ethical implications of a firm’s strategicChoices and the impact of these choices on various stakeholder groups.
Discuss current trends that affect a firm’s ability to gain and sustain competitive advantage.
Differentiate successful strategies from unsuccessful ones.
Develop a personal/professional development plan using their understanding of the strategic planning process and drawing on their previous liberal studies course work.
Articulate the connection between elements of their previous liberal studies course Work and the business strategic planning process CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS ESSAY!!!!

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