Posted: September 13th, 2017

Practical Application Plan for the Teaching of Literacy;

Practical Application Plan for the Teaching of Literacy;

This task requires students to plan for the use of literature in the early years English program. The planning will incorporate a play-based literacy activity and the use of ICT. The planning will include a rationale that examines current debates and issues in early years literacy education and incorporates theory and research in a strong justification for the application plan. Using the template provided on LEO students will use the Australian Curriculum to plan the session and identify suitable assessment/monitoring and reporting/sharing processes.
Length and/or format: 2000 words
Purpose: To demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between theory and practice through the completion of a practical application plan for teaching of literacy. This plan will draw on key theory, teaching and learning strategies (including the use of ICTs), the monitoring/assessing procedures and the reporting/sharing mechanisms with children and parents.
Learning outcomes assessed:
LO3 understand the purpose of, and critically evaluate, a range of teaching strategies in the primary school setting for evaluating, developing, assessing (including appropriate moderation), monitoring, responding through programming and reporting/sharing to enhance language and literacy development in early and continuing literacy learning, including reading;
LO5 understand the pedagogic consequences of linguistic and cultural differences and how to use the cultural and language knowledge that children bring to the primary school learning environment to support their language and literacy learning;
LO6 understand the place of new literacies in children’s lives and learning and strategies for supporting their safe, responsible and ethical use for teaching and learning;
LO7 use appropriate technologies to facilitate and enhance language and literacy learning, including timely feedback, with a particular focus on developing and extending children’s responses to literary, factual and multimodal texts
Assessment criteria:
Understanding of relationship between theory and practice;
Appropriateness of selected teaching and learning strategies (including the use of ICT);
Culturally and linguistically responsive monitoring/assessing, reporting/sharing strategies and procedures;
Creative and innovative planning sequence and use of resources responsive to diverse range of children’s needs;
Organisation of ideas, cohesive text structure, correct use of APA referencing, correct spelling and grammar;
Recommended references
Seely Flint, A., Kitson, L., Lowe, K., & Shaw, K. (2014). Literacy in Australia: Pedagogies for engagement. Milton, Qld: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd.
Emmitt, M., Hornsby, D., & Wilson. L. (2006). The place of phonics in learning to read and write. Norwood, SA: Australian Literacy Educators’ Association.
Fellowes, J., & Oakley G. (2010). Language, literacy and early childhood education. Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.
Fleer, M., & Williams-Kennedy, D. (2002). Building bridges: Literacy development in young indigenous children. Canberra, ACT: Australian Early Childhood Association (AECA): Department of Education, Science and Training.
Hill, S. (2012). Developing early literacy: Assessment and teaching (2nd ed.). Melbourne, Vic: Eleanor Curtain Publishing.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2012). Australian Curriculum. Accessed from
Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2009). Being, belonging and becoming: Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
Barratt-Pugh, C., & Rohl, M. (2000). Literacy learning in the early years. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin.
Bearne, E. (2007). Visual approaches to teaching writing. London, UK: Paul Chapman Publishing. Emmitt, M., Zbaracki, M., Komesaroff, L., & Pollock, J. (2010). Language and learning: An introduction for teaching (5th ed.). Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.
Swan, C. (2009). Teaching strategies for literacy in the early years. Norwood, SA: Australian Literacy Educators’ Association Ltd.
Vasque, V.M. (2004). Negotiating critical literacies with young children. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence ErlBaum Associates.
Winch, G., Johnston, R., March, P, Ljungdahl, L., & Holliday, M. (2010). Literacy: Reading, writing and children’s literature (4th ed.). Melbourne, Vic: Oxford.
Web based resources
UNCRC General Comment 7 UNCRC General Comment 11
UNCRC General Comment 12 GC-12.pdf
Early Years Learning Framework mework%20Report%20-%20WEB.pdf
Foundations for Success (Indigenous Early Years Curriculum Framework)
/indigenous/projects/foundations.html.?Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework.
NSW childcare framework:
Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline
An Analysis of Curriculum and Learning Frameworks, RMIT University
Australian English curriculum

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